Ibram X. Kendi’s anti-Razist research center is off, leaving

Founder of director An Antirassist The research center at the University of Boston is transferred to another university, and the center that founded will be excluded.
“Despite all the winds we have faced as a new organization founded during pandemic and an intense back blow over the critical theory of race, I am very proud of everything we imagined, all that we created, everything we learned, everything we achieve – the community that we We have built, people we have helped and inspired, “Ibram X. Kendi, founder of the Center for AntiraCistical Research at the University of Boston, he said in a statement.
Kendi will move to Howard University, whose main campus is located in Washington, DC is classified as HBCU or Historical Black Faculty or University, and Called Forbes as a top HBCU in the nation.
Ibram X. Kendi, founder of the director of the anti -religious research center at Boston University, moves to another university, and the center he founded will be excluded. (Arturo Holmes/Getty Pictures for MVAAFF)
In his statement, Kendi continued: “To all colleges, staff, administrators, students, fans and members of the Boston Community, I feel honest that I could do this job with you in the last five years. I have been leaving for the opportunity I couldn’t go by, but what us has connected on a car, especially during this insecure time.
AntiraCistical Research Center University of Boston Supposedly closes When his contract expires on June 30. 12 members of the Center will be paid until June 30.
In a press release on Thursday, Boston University said Kendi “arriving in Bu followed a series of homicides of blacks and women in the United States, mostly murder in May 2020. George Floyd by police officers in Minneapolis. The explosion of activism and interest on the subject has led to several strong years of collection of funds and research. ”
“I am very proud of everything we have imagined, everything we created, everything we learned, everything we have achieved,” Kendi said. (Photo Lane Turner (Lane Turner
The University further noticed that the Center created “Covered Racred Data Monitoring Data, supporting multiple research and political teams, producing Amicus submissions based on research, developing an anti-Ricic technological initiative, helping the Faculty of Anti-Rancist Courses, launching laboratories for racial data, Experts, drafting a report on politics and public comments, encouraging networking among associated faculties, launching a National Book Festival and Building ‘Emancipator“Award -winning digital platform.”
Thursday Article in Washington Post He says Kendi “will launch a new institute focusing on a global African diaspora in Howard, a prominent historically black institution in the state capital”.
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Kendi will leave Boston and move to the Howard University, whose main campus is located in the northwest DC (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
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Fox News Digital reached University of Boston For more details about Kendi’s plans at the University of Howard and for further information on the closure of the AntiraCistical Research Center, but did not immediately receive an answer.