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Ever since he took over his duty, what are the legal challenges to launch against the Trump administrator?

Since he took over the president’s duty Donald Trump And his administration became the target of multiple lawsuits over the president’s agenda and politics.

Trump’s White House has faced numerous legal challenges, including deportation policies, an executive order for ending nationality of birth and a federal financing directive.

Birth of citizenship

On the day of his inauguration, Trump signed an executive order that ends the nationality of birth for children of illegal immigrants, with many legal experts claiming that the right to the Constitution is in accordance with the 14th amendment.

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“The privilege of citizenship of the United States is an invaluable and deep gift,” Trump says in the order entitled: “Protection of the meaning and value of US citizenship.”

The American Union of Civic Freedom (ACLU) filed a lawsuit against Trump’s administration on the same day “on behalf of organizations with members whose babies born on US soil will be denied citizenship according to the order.” ACLU also claimed that the command was unconstitutional against the congress intention and Precedent of the Supreme Court.

Ever since they took over, President Donald Trump and his administration have become the target of multiple lawsuits over the president’s agenda and politics. (Reuters/Carlos Barria)

The eighteen states led by Democrats has launched its own lawsuit, also claiming that the command is unconstitutional and “unprecedented”.

“The President has no authority to transcribe or undo the constitutional amendment or a duly adopted statute. He is nor is he empowered by any other source of the law to limit who receives the citizenship of the United States at birth,” the lawsuit reads.

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General Lawyers from New Jersey, Massachusetts, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine and others, signed a lawsuit, together with the City and County San Francisco, California, and Washington, DC

American District Judge He also temporarily blocked Trump’s command in a separate lawsuit filed by Arizona, Illinois, Oregon and Washington, describing the lawsuit as “sharply unimaginable.”

Mass deportations

Several The City of Chicago Sanctory Groups He filed a lawsuit against Trump’s administration for his mass deportation policy, saying that he violated their rights of the first amendment.

The lawsuit, filed by the Brighton Park Neighborhood Council, the organized community against deportations, the Illinois coalition for immigrant and refugee rights of Inc., and raised the Federations of Federation, states that “the threat of ice agents to the community has already influenced Chicagone and cooled their rights and cooled their rights Their rights and cooled their rights and cooled their rights and cooled their rights and cooled their rights to practice their religion freely and gather. “

Ice and the Dea Migrant Razon in New York. (New York Drug Administration)

Completing Dei policies

Trump also signed an executive command that will end the federal federal Programs of diversity, equality and inclusion (dei). On Monday, the President signed an order stating that “the adoption of gender identity in inconsistent with the sexual conflicts of the individual with the military commitment to the honorable, true and disciplined way of life, even in one’s personal life.”

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Six military members of transgender persons filed a lawsuit against Trump’s administration, claiming that the command is unconstitutional and violates the same component of protection of the fifth amendment.

“Instead of based on any legitimate government purpose, the ban reflects animation according to transgender people for its transgender status,” the lawsuit claims.

Freezing funding of federal assistance

AND The Management and Budget Office issued a letter On Monday with the directive to stop all federal supports and loans that aim to eradicate “Wockeness” and “Government weapon” in an effort to improve the effectiveness of the Government. Memo claims that almost three trillion dollars have been spent in 2024. Such assistance programs.

New York State Attorney Letitia James On Tuesday, he led a coalition of 22 other lawyers who sued to stop the implementation of the memorandum. (Jemal Countess/Getty Images for the Congress Foundation of Black Cauca)

The White House soon after that insisted that freezing did not affect programs such as social insurance, Medicare or other payments of rights.

In addition to the democrats of the Senate announcing the coordinated answer With Democratic Governors, General State Attorney, together with advocate and non -profit groups, filed their own lawsuit through the directive.

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Tuesday, General State Attorney in New York Letitia James He led a coalition of 22 other lawyers who sued to stop the implementation of the memorandum.

Likewise, several non -profit organizations and health associations, including the LGBTQ+ advocate, filed a lawsuit on Tuesday for the directive.

The federal judge on Tuesday imposed a stay at Trump’s action, delaying him until Monday.

Fox News Digital, Adam Shaw, Breanne Depisch and Chris Pandolfo have contributed to this report.

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