Egg prices soon do not decrease: experts say
Elevated egg prices It is expected to persist during 2025, as the lack of supply continues, according to industrial experts.
The US Ministry of Agriculture (USDA) predicted that egg prices, which can significantly fluctuate the month to a month, increase by more than 20% in 2025.
The outbreak of high pathogenic bird flu (HPAI) – or bird flu – which began in 2022 and persisted in 2025. Experts say Fox Business that bird flu cases have significantly reduced American egg stand, which pushes prices in the store.
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To say this perspective, prices in December 2024 were 36.8% more than a year earlier, although in January 2023 they were below top prices, according to USDA.
“When the detection are high, the lower egg supplies will increase prices,” said Bernt Nelson, an economist with an American Fundau Fondau Fundau, adding that “the prices of the eggs rode the birds’ waves since this epidemic began and this is likely to continue.”
Nelson estimated that more than 136 million birds had been affected by birds of 2022. In December, over 18 million birds were affected, which he said had led to “naked food shelves in some places and wide larger prices.”
Kevin Bergquist, manager of the Wells Fargo Agri-Food Institute, also caused concern that the recent rash of more cases of bird influenza was in late 2024. And so far in 2025.
The question is when A bird’s flu is detected, The whole flock is depopulated to prevent the spread of the disease and ensure that no infected bird enters the food supply.
The USA said that the disease was very contagious, with one bird capable of spreading it “from a herd in a flock within a few days.” Depopulation or euthanization of affected animals “is one of the most effective ways to stop the spread of the disease and protecting the health of animals as a whole,” the Agency said.
Egg production now falls because prices are still growing together with bird flu cases
Nelson and Bergquist said it takes several months to sterilize the layers and divert a place with birds that can lay eggs.
“Often, laying hens are concentrated with more than one million birds located in one place. So if HPAI hits a particular location, it is lost the whole flock,” Bergquist said. The loss of many chickens also pressures the supply of new chickens, he added.
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Even after detection is detected, there is a compulsory quarantine period of 21 days. Then the chicken must be about 18 weeks before it can start laying eggs, which means that it takes more time for the herd to return to production, Nelson said.
Bergquist said it was probably that in the next few months an additional bird flu epidemic would appear, which “resets the number of chicaging for disposal, sometimes millions of layers at once. Smaller birds mean less eggs, maintaining price pressure”, Bergquist added.