Chinese two new concealed fighters should send shock waves through the Pentagon

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Wake up, America. China just flew Not one, but two new concealed fighter jets. As long as the US next fighter is on hold.
“They could beat us up to the impact,” the Air Force from Andrew Hunter admitted. “My honest hope this will attract America’s attention,” Air Force head of the Staff General David Allvin said Breaking the defense January 17th.
China published Videos of two new aircraft In flight 26 December, which happens so as the birth of the revolutionary communist leader Mao Zedong.
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These two aircraft should send a cold via an industrial defense base. Chinese growing air force is the biggest threat in the Pacific since World War II. Loss of air domination over a silent ocean These Chinese fighters just can’t happen.
Chinese military aircraft fly in Chengd, Sichuan, China, in this screengrab taken from a video on social networks posted on December 26, 2024. (Social Media/Via Reuters)
America took the lead for granted in the design of Stealth Fighter, engines, composites and electronics, but obviously the Chinese made serious steps. China does not discuss the defense budget. They use the fruits of their spies and fly new planes from two different design teams.
What bothers me is that the aviation saw that this was coming. In September 2022, a four -star Major General Mark Kelly, who is now retired, warned that the Chinese were “trace” with their design of the six -generation -concealed wars. Still, President Joe Biden’s penantagon has postponed a new US fighter, a project for more than 10 years in works.
The “six -generation” fighter is the latest and biggest. The Lingu are F-15 and F-16 Fourth Generations, while F-22 and F-35 are hidden fighters of fifth generation. The sixth generation is a “exponential decrease in signatures and exponential acceleration in the processing of strength and sensation”, Kelly explained.
Here’s how two new aircraft agree in China.
Chengdu J-36 is bigger, a delta in the form of a combat bomb. It was there, parading with two bays of weapons open to emphasize internal weapons transport, a sign of concealment. Without vertical control surfaces, J-36 is not dogs. It is the best Chinese effort in a real hidden aircraft where “signature” of radar reflections, infrared thermal shows, etc. suppresses and controls it to make it difficult to detection.
Since the J-36 flew with Bicher J-20 as a Chase plane, the Australian expert was able to evaluate the relative size in the length of 66 to 85 feet, with a wing range of about 65 feet. This is larger than a 44-meter-meter wing plan of F-22 Raptor and less than 132 feet for B-21 Raider Stealth bomber.
I tell you, this J-36 is a nasty character and a significant step from previous Chinese designs. Aviation expert Bill Sweetman estimated the gross weight of the £ 120,000 take -off and the top speed above Mach 1.5. The delta shape is respected for its lifting quality, so this plane is designed for effective, long -term cruise. J-36 could have a significant burden at longer distances in the Pacific.
One intriguing point: J-36 may be a three-engine plane, and for me he says that the Chinese have not yet mastered the advanced engine design and had to be stuck in an additional power engine. There is no talk of whether they have come up with how to mask an infrared signature from the engine or manage the cooling for the electronics needed to hire AI. Fluttery has separated the events on the straight edge of the duration that it may not be so great, perhaps leaving J-36 vulnerable to a rocket shot.
F-35 Lightning II performs at Air Air Air 2023 EL Centro at the Navy Air Force El Centro on March 11, 2023 in El Centrou, California. (Daniel Knighton/Getty Images)
I hope.
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Another aircraft, called Shenyang J-50, is a twin fighter, but beyond that, the mystery is deepening. The views from the video of the test flight were left by analysts not sure if the J-50 plane or unmanned aircraft is. The J-50 has the shape of the Lambda wings, probably copied from several experimental American aircraft and drones. Without a vertical tail, the J-50 shape, such as the J-36, indicates some progress of carbon composite materials that replace metal in the torso, wings and control areas.
What is the mission of J-36 and J-50? Killing American combat planes. Due to all the progress in the drone wars, China still desperately wants to mix it with advanced aircraft with American F-22, F-35 and above all, represent a threat to the new B-21 Raider Stealth bomber bomber. In a fierce war where satellites go to the dark and electronic wars of spectrum wetting drones, the princess pilot of the Chinese fighter sees him shooting him from J-36.
Of course, J-36 and J-50 are not yet in production. But don’t rest easily. Western analysts smiled while China built three aircraft carriers, a hidden J-20, aircraft aircraft, drone crashes and a long-reach rocket. Even more concerned, China practices flights of long -range bombers against Guam and sends an integrated “Gorilla” package of dozens of fighters into Taiwan airspace. These are the signs of air force training to fight.
Now for good news. Waiting in the wings is a six -generation fighter who calls the Pentagon NGAD: the dominance of the next generation air. The NGAD plane flew in great secret in 2020, and the Air Force said he would award the contract last summer, but the Biden team of Pentagon was withdrawn by the collective shock of the airline industry.
The USAF fighter for the sixth generation has a better hidden, engine and open software architecture, and I would bet that it is also to work with drones. The American Best Airline Talent is only waiting for a “go” signal to build NGAD.
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Unlike the Navy, which is struggling to increase the production of the warship, the US air force has a lot of fast moves to keep in front of China. The F-35 Stealth Fighter production line is hot, B-21 Raider sails through flight tests. New, drones called a collaborative fighter jet will soon help; Anduril and the general atomics have just completed critical design reviews in the first series with even more.
It is time for Trump’s team to put the aircraft production in last.