
Can a 10% Roth Conversion Plan Help You Lower Your Taxes and Skip RMDs?

Roth IRAs are not subject to the rules of required minimum distributions (RMDs)and qualifying withdrawals from Roth accounts in retirement are also exempt from federal income tax. You can get these benefits for the funds in your a traditional IRA by transfer to a Roth account. You will now have to pay income tax on the funds you convert, but spreading the conversions out over several years can help you manage and potentially reduce your overall tax liability. However, there is no way to avoid taxes entirely, and conversion is not always the best strategy. Also, converting a certain percentage each year is not the only way to do it.

A financial advisor can help you figure out if and how to do a Roth conversion. Connect with a fiduciary advisor today.

If you’re saving for retirement in a pre-tax account like a traditional IRA, you’ll need to start withdrawing money from the account after you turn 73 (or 75 in 2033 or later). These RMDs are taxable as ordinary income, which can cause problems for some retirees if they have to receive taxable income when they don’t need the funds to support their lifestyle.

For example, say you are 73 years old and receive $45,000 in taxable income from Social securitypensions and other sources. If you are a single filer, this will put you in the 12% marginal bracket using the 2024 income tax brackets, and your federal tax bill will be approximately $3,500. If you also have to take $20,000 in RMDs, your new taxable income of $65,000 will put you in the 22% bracket, and your federal tax bill will rise to approximately $6,500.

if you convert your IRA to a Roth IRA before you turn 73, you won’t need to take any RMDs. Not only will this help you manage your taxes in retirement, but it will also allow your Roth funds to grow tax-free. You can also pass them on to your heirs tax-free, making a Roth conversion a useful estate planning tool.

However, these benefits come at a price. If your traditional IRA has $500,000, for example, the tax bill for converting the entire amount in one year could be about $145,000, using Tax brackets from 2024 for one file. Because of this, people who do Roth conversions sometimes spread the process out over several years converting part of each year.

If you roll over 10% of a $500,000 IRA annually, for example, that would increase your income the first year by $50,000. Assuming your taxable income from other sources is $50,000, your taxable income increases to $100,000. Using 2024 frames for a single file would keep you in the 22% range. Over 10 years, you may have the opportunity to save money on taxes compared to a lump sum conversion.

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