At least 17 people killed as a struggle in the Gomi Dr. Congo intensifies | News of the United Nations

The M23 Group of Rebel declared the key city of Gom under its control, signaling a large blow to the Congenian army.
Fighting in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) The City of Goma intensified as an army continues to keep M23 forces.
On Monday, the rebels, which the United Nations say supported Rwanda, went to Goma and declared a key city under their control, signaling a large blow to the Congenian army and a serious escalation in a multi -year conflict that killed hundreds and scattered millions in Eastern Drc.
The Minister of Rural Development by Drc Muhindo Nzanga said the Congolian army controlled 80 percent of Goma, with the troops of Rwanda either on the city periphery or back across the border.
At least 17 people were killed in a bunch on Monday, and the AFP news agency reported to quote hospital sources that doctors in the city treated 367 people wounded in conflict.
Members of civil society and non -governmental organizations who work in the crowd have performed the number of deaths at the age of 25 and 375 people were injured.
“Our surgical teams are now working on a daily basis to cope with a huge approach to the wounded,” said Myriam Favier, head of the Red Cross International Committee in Northern Kiva Province, AFP.
South Africa confirmed on Tuesday Three of his soldiers died In the fighting on Monday after they “caught themselves in cross -fire”. He added that another soldier was also killed in recent fights on Monday.
The exchange of fire also occurred between the Congole and the Rwanda torso on both sides of the border crossing near Goma.
Five civilians were killed and 25 seriously wounded on the outskirts of the border town of Ruan Gisenya, the army of Rwanda said on Monday on Monday.
“The residents told us that they had successfully returned part of the city center,” said Malcolm Webb Al Jazeera, reporting from Nairobi, the Kenyan capital.
Greg Ramm, director of the country for Save The Children of Drc, said on Tuesday on internet briefing that, although “we have reports that the neighborhoods of Mirna are, we hear reports of new shelling a few minutes later.”
The United Nations said that Hallila had stopped in food around Gom.
In the meantime, DRC Government said that “she continued to work to avoid the massacre and loss of human life” in the crowd, said spokesman Patrick Muyaya.
One resident of Goma told the Reuters news agency that on Monday he saw men in the uniforms of the Army of the Rwandan Army.
“In the evening, I went out to see what the situation was. I saw soldiers dressed in brand new uniforms in Rwandam,” said Central Gom.
M23, or March 23, is one of the hundreds of armed groups operating in Eastern DRC -Ui wanting to control critical mineral mines.
The group is composed Tutsi Borca and claims that he is fighting for the rights of the dormant minority. It was created in 2012 after a group from the DRC Armed Forces (Fardc) fell apart, complaining about poor treatment.
In 2012, M23 seized Goma for the first time, but the Congo’s army, supported by the UN forces, pushed the rebels back into the eastern hills on the border with Rwanda 2013.
The Government of the DRC and the UN accuse Rwanda, under President Paul Kagame, of supporting M23 with soldiers and weapons in an attempt to control Eastern DRC rich in minerals.
“There is no doubt that there are troops of Rwanda in Gomi that support M23,” he told the UN chief, the Chief of the Peace forces, Jean-Pierre Lacroix, told reporters. “It’s hard to say exactly what numbers are.”
Rwanda denied the accusation and accused Drc of belonging to members of the democratic forces of release Rwanda, an anti -Cagame rebel group involved in the 1994 Rwanda genocide.
While fighting, the Peace and Security Council of the African Union will hold a meeting later on Tuesday to talk about the crisis.
The UN Security Council will meet on Tuesday to talk about the crisis.