Enthusiasm, confusion Mark Israeli reaction to Trump’s comments in Gaza | News Donald Trump

Confusion, together with some enthusiasm, reigns in the Israeli public and political class that remains unclear what the comments of the United States of Donald Trump actually mean.
For extreme right and ultra-Orthodox fractures of Israeli politics, the idea has meaning-the population is shifting to move to make a place to monitor a kind of reconstruction, which they assume would ultimately be for the people of Israel.
Some analysts, however, have seen dysfunction in Trump’s bombastic remarks about a country that has no claim, and it is inhabited to its people, pointing out that such a rough force can be equally easily applied to the Israelites in illegal settlements in the entire Palestinian west coast.
The Israeli Channel 13 poll showed that, although 72 percent of Israelites loved the idea of US President Donald Trump to now control the gaza belt, only 35 percent thought it would ever be implemented.
Equally unclear observers from Israeli politics is that Trump’s remarks outside the cuff can be incorporated into a three -stage agreement on the interruption of fire that negotiated between Hamas and Israel until the end of months of the Israeli unlimited war against Gaza.
The belief that Palestine Israel, by some kind of divine law, was a justification for the actions of politicians such as the self-described “fascist homophobe” of the Minister of Finance Bezalel Omotrich, right-wing conductor and former National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir and Settler Movements like Nachala, who organized a conference in January Last year to talk about gauze colonization.
The fire interruption agreement, which meant that Israel would have to stop bombing Gaza, disappointed with an extreme right right that seemed to want the attack to continue until Israel could ask for the whole enclave.
In the accumulation of signing the agreement on January 17, the Rev. and Ben-Gvir threatened to resign from the Government in the complaint to its terms.
Only Ben-Gvir stopped, but he left his party to Otzma Yehudit in the management coalition, making his move made by the performance of many observers.
The figure “persuaded” to remain in exchange for guarantees from Netanyahu that he had no intention of honoring an agreement signed with Hamas and continued the war after the end of the first phase.
At first glance, Trump seems to offer an unusual idea to offer the ultimate right a goal of gauze control.
“Trump went a lot further than anyone expected,” said Mitchell Barak, Israeli survey and former political assistant of high Israeli personality, including Netanyahu, for Al Jazeera.
“In the short term, what Trump delivered is better than what they could hope for.”
Ben-Gvir quickly said that the possibility of ethnic cleansing of Gaza could be enough to persuade him to forget his past complaints and return to the government.
“We have a huge opportunity and we must not miss it,” Galey Israel Radio told Galer on Wednesday. “There were those who worked on it in Israel a long time ago and earned nicknames like” Messianic and Mixes. “
Nachala claimed that she was preparing to catch Gaza as soon as her people, under the conditions that Trump had determined, was ethnically cleaned.
However, Barak pointed out: “They are [Israel’s far right] Will not decide how this thing will end; Trump Will, and part of his plan is to find a solution for Palestine. This could still include a solution with two countries, “referring to the creation of the Palestinian state together with Israel.
“If Trump has the power to depopulate gauze, he also has the power to move Israelites from the settlement,” Barak warned.
There were not many details in Trump’s remarks.
He did not say whether he had advocated the destruction of the decade of the old US policy of seeking a solution for two countries for Palestine, if he suggests temporary ethnic cleansing of gauze or that his idea sat in the painstaking negotiating three -party agreement.
Times reporting and other outlets have suggested that the large parts of Trump’s announcement have been made without prior consultation about assistants or allies, which is a large part of the international back attack by states that are not aware of his proposal and the rapid warning of President’s Plan for State Secretary Marc Rubio and Bijeli House spokeswoman Caroline Leavitt, who explained that the presidential proposals were temporary and did not represent the US military obligation to Gazi.
“Let’s say Trump we take seriously,” said the former Israeli ambassador and government advisor Alon Pinkas Al Jazeeeri.
“Israel has to commit to work and see it to at least the second phase [when the population transfer might take place].
“Now, let’s say no? Hamas still has no incentive to stay with a dedication fire. They and everyone else in Gaza, all 2.3 million, will be thrown out anyway. Where is their motivation to keep the fire interruption agreement?
“Ben-Gvir, Revotrich and others are at least clear in what they want [the ethnic cleansing of Gaza]. They do not take care of obscure concepts, such as international law, which Netanyahu of the sea, “he said of the lip of the Israeli premiere who paid for international norms.
If the American ethnically cleaned Gaza, even temporarily, the magnifier, Ben-Gvir and their allies would feel closer to their long hope that they would colonize it than they had ever been before.
If, as Pinkas suggests, Trump’s intervention leads to a ceasefire failure, they at least return to the war they supported through 15 months of smooth massacre.
In both cases, Netanyahu would probably appear stronger, either through a combined and combined cabinet or as a war leader, defending what he frames as a “Jewish homeland.”
Even a threat to the early elections, Barak suggested, can play until the end of the Prime Minister.
“The new election would make any Government transitional,” he said, referring to the various challenges that the Government faces with the potential threat that represents his right, such as the upcoming budget and discussion of the development of Ultra-Orthodox Israeli Israeli. ” He would not have to overcome any of these obstacles. Everything Netanyahua’s time is always good for him. He did that before. “
“Putting a plan on the table, Trump pushed Ben-Gvir and a much closer to Netanyahu’s show,” said Israeli political analyst Nimrod Flashberg about the recent challenges of Netanyahu from his right side.
“Ben-Gvir said it was approaching him with his return to the Government and said that this declaration makes the government preservation more critical,” he continued, referring to their mentioned readiness to support the Government in the least phase II. A three -phase interruption of fire if the end game is ethnic cleansing of gauze.