The State Farm Executive is discharged for commentary on premium trips

Former “Million Dollars” star and real estate agent in Los Angeles Josh Altman provides an update about efforts to recover and renovate fire, and is reviewing President Donald Trump’s visit to the disaster website.
Insurance Executive Director State farm He was discharged this week after being shot in a secret video by giving comments on increasing the insurer’s premium in response to wild fire in southern California.
Haden Kirkpatrick, who worked as Vice President of State Farm for Innovation and Risk Capital, was superiorly recorded in a video published by O’Keefe Media Group. AND Los Angeles Times He reported that he claimed to be discharged for filming.
“Our people look at it and say,” S —, — We have maybe $ 5 billion that we’re short if something happens. “We will go to the insurance department and say, ‘We are over -exposed here, you must allow us to make up for our [rates]. ‘… will say’ no. “And we’ll say,” Okay, then we’ll cancel those rules, “Kirkpatrick said.
He also said, “There should never be built houses in the first place” in areas such as Pacific Palisads because of the risk of fire, saying that the inhabitants want “natural areas around them for the ego”, but that the “desert desert, and thus dries and it is Tinderbox.”
State Farm asks California to approve of increasing rates after fire
The State Farm Executive Director was discharged for the comment he gave on increasing the footsteps in a secret recording. (Axelle/Bauer-Giffin/GC Pictures/Getty Pictures)
Kirkpatrick told the Times that the company was released by the company because of the remarks he explained that they had been recorded during Tinder’s date in January to believe that he was setting, but otherwise he refused to comment on the exit.
State Farm told Fox Business, “Any characterization of the communications of state farms regarding our request for a rate, because the” manipulation “of the rate or public process is false. This person has never been involved or has been responsible for business decisions related to the general state farm or its California operations, including anything that has to do with our reports for our reports or Stopi. “
“As we have publicly shared in connection with his comments:” These claims are incorrect and in no way represent the views of state agriculture. They do not reflect our position regarding the victims of this tragedy, the dedication we have shown to the people of California or our employment procedures throughout the company, “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “” “”
The insurance rates of Americans grow, and lawsuits play a significant role
State Farm says estimated fire losses would be about $ 7.6 billion. (Frederic J. Brown / AFp Via / Getty Images)
In early February, the State Farm requested an increase in emergency rates, which would average 22% for Homeowners in California Insurance policies due to fire, saying that customers have paid off more than $ 1 billion and “ultimately will pay much more, as these fires will be the most expensive disaster in the history of the state agricultural general.”
The insurance company noted that in the last nine years the state agricultural general had paid $ 1.26 for each premium of $ 1, which collected – resulting in more than $ 5 billion cumulative losses in insurance. Estimated that his direct losses were Los Angeles area are about $ 7.6 billion, including reported and not reported claims, and from February 25 she paid $ 1.75 billion for $ 9,500.
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The California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara met from State Farm 26. February after he originally denied a request to increase the rates to allow the insurer to explain what actions took to improve their financial state.
After the meeting, State Farm said that “he took the opportunity to repeat with the commissioner Lara, the urgency needed to approve the temporary request of the state farms so that General State Farm General could continue to help California customers.”