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Al-Shabab the rifles were sneaking into the Somali hotel | News of the conflict

The armed group claims that she killed more than 10 people in Beledweyne while officials met with the elders.

Al-Shababa’s films broke in and sneaking a hotel in Central Somalia, while government officials and tribal elders met to discuss the action against clothing.

The armed group took responsibility for an attack on Tuesday to a hotel in Cairo in Beledweyne in a statement. It is stated that several people were killed.

The founders detonated the car bomb before they were on the building. An intense battle with Somali security forces was launched, and the siege is ongoing in the early afternoon.

Different claims

But Suleiman, a seller who witnessed the attack, told Reuters to the news agency that he had heard a “huge explosion followed by a shooting. Then another explosion was heard. “The witness said that part of the hotel was reduced to ruins.

Al-Shabab said in a statement that more than 10 people had been killed in the attack. However, reports on the number of deaths varied.

Quoting Dahira Amina Jesow, a federal Beledweyne MP, Reuters reported that at least four people had been killed. The Associated Press news agency, quoting the inhabitants in the area, reported that six people were killed, including “two famous traditional elders.”

Born of anarchy

Born from the multi-year anarchy of Somalia after the 1991 Civil War, Al-Shabab, which is associated with Al-Qaid, has been a war against the Somalian government for more than 16 years.

The armed group often performs attacks aimed at government officials and military staff in the country while trying to demolish the Government to establish its strictly interpretation of Islamic law, though civilians are also in danger.

Controlling parts of Rural Somalia, the group continued to represent a threat to the country despite constant military operations by the Government and the Peace Force of the African Union, which threw it out of the capital, Mogadish.

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