
The theory of the posted points: Does your body have a default weight setting?

On the one hand, the science behind the weight loss could not have been simpler: calories in, calories – Eat less and move more. On the other hand, it is as complex as the human body. Weight gain and What happens to your body when you lose weightIt affects the constellation of the factors:

  • Diet
  • Genetics
  • Energy expenditure
  • Hormones
  • The environment
  • Stress
  • The natural defense of your body

One of these defenses is known as the “placed point”, the theorized basic value that is implied to affect weight loss and maintenance. Find out more about the theory of posted points, how much faith in it to invest in it and what – if nothing else – you can do it about it.

What is the theory of the posted points?

“The theory of the posted points claims that there is a weight on which our body is most comfortable, partly determined by genetics, body size and metabolism,” he says Dana HunnesPh.D., MPH, RD, older dietitian at the Ronald Reagan Ucla Medical Center. “This set point will be distinguished from person to person, just as genetics differs from person to person.”

While body weight – and who has more, and where and how much and why – it is still largely a study of unknowns, the theory of set points claims that this may have influenced the body’s tendency according to the known. Furthermore, according to the theory of the posted points, your body will “fight” to keep the weight in which it is most comfortable.

“This means that if you go on vacation, eat a lot more than you would otherwise, and get five pounds, after returning to your usual routine, the appetite will decrease to adjust and you will probably return to your previous weight,” Hunnes says. “Similarly, if you diet and eat a lot of fewer weeks, in the end your body will retaliate, increasing your appetite to make your meal more and you will probably return to your previous weight.”

Is the theory of the posted points lawful?

The theory of points posted is certainly nothing new – researchers have been investigating it for decades. And the consensus is that there is something.

Review of published studies in Metabolic syndrome magazine and related disorders It has been found that body weight is generally maintained in a stable range, despite the variability of energy intake and expenditure, showing that obesity is probably the result of a complex relationship between genetics and environment.

Hunnes says, “It makes a lot of sense. Our bone structure, genes and metabolism tend to love homeostasis or relative stability. Our bodies work best when things are stable. Well, I believe we all have a placed point.”

Not as rigid as you think

The theory of the posted points, however, is not a reason to feel powerless or that you are genetically destined to remain in weight that you are not satisfied with.

“Studies suggest that a default point in people is ‘loose’ (eg includes the upper and lower boundaries), not firmly controlled,” says A A A Review of published studies in the magazine F1000 Reports.

The theory of posted points is based on evidence from time -tested, professional weight loss tips: gradually and stable is best. Do this partly long -term lifestyle changes based on regular diet and exercise.

Do not try to lose weight with dirt or starvation and nutritional diets – people who do it usually Rest weightoften adding even more; The placed point of their body could be part of the reason why.

Can you change the placed point of your body?

Yes, but the change should be gradual.

“I think it’s possible to change your placed point so little,” Hunnes says. “If you dietyou will not Change the placed point of your body and can risk an increase in weight in the long run. If you are slow and stable over time, you can create a new place for your body. “

Hunnes is used as an example. In high school, the point of her body hovered about 125 to 128 pounds. “No matter what I did, [my body weight stayed in that range]”She says.

Years later, she has a doctorate. In public health and continuing his career as a dietitian, and “not necessarily intentional”, her body brings 118 to 120 pounds. Hunnes says it might be because she started eating a herbal nutrition As an adult, or because parenting made her more active.

“No matter how much or a little I eat, or how little I exercise, I’m inclined to stay in that range,” she says. “Small changes or adjustments over time can change the default point. But if you are big bones, you can’t expect you to be a small and thin person. They just won’t work that way. “

Set the theory of a weight loss point

“The best way to effectively lose weight will be with very small, incremental changes that may be fooling the body to think is still in the way of maintenance,” says Hunnes. “If you cut 100 calories of your ‘typical’ food intake for a few months – which means that instead of eating 2,100 calories per day Maintain your weightYou eat 2,000 and you may burn a little more energy every day – your body will not really “notice” a change, and you should theoretically need to lose weight slowly and gradually. “

By creating something bigger caloric deficit And incorporating regular exercise, you can avoid weight gain and reach a higher weight loss. But experts say it should be gradually, aiming at one to two pounds a week to make the metabolism rate stable.

“Slowly and steadily wins in the race,” Hunnes concludes. “Slow and persistent can maintain homeostasis in place.”

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