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As Coid-19 influenced the US and China relationships

Five years after the first cases of covid-11 were reported, the World Health Organization still reports death from the virus.

More than 3,000 people have died in the last month, adding more than 7 million deaths since the pandemic began.

In the fall of 2019, many of the best American news stories had to do with China.

“I have a good relationship with China. We’ll see what’s going on, but I’m very happy right now,” said President Donald Trump on November 19, 2019. In the middle Trade negotiations with Beijing. “If we don’t agree with China, I’ll just pick up the tariffs even more.”

New bats coronavirus detected in China, sparkle care of pandemia

A quick and permanent increase in Coid-19 cases in the United States has encouraged millions of people to take precautions while in public. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez, file)

On the other side of the world, protesters in Hong Kong complained about the interference of China into the government of the region. Trump has signed a bill that supports the demonstration of pro-democracy. Return to Washington, Smithsonian National Zoo’s beloved Panda, Bei Bei, was preparing to move to a new habitat in Central China, but a much bigger story happened in the background.

Also, in the fall of 2019, scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology have studied that mice responded to the coronaviruses associated with SARS and MERS. The report of the National Director of the Intelligence Service states that the laboratory is being held by one of the world’s largest storage for the Šišmis samples.

It stated, “The teams used separately mouse transgeneous models to better understand how viruses infected people as well as related vaccine research and therapies.”

“This lab that worked on bats coronavirus He did a job, which he was very important to understand these viruses, but had some risks, “said Stanford Microbiology Professor David Relman in January 2020.

During this time, several researchers of the Institute became ill with the symptoms of cold or flu, but none were serious enough to be hospitalized.

“Some of their symptoms were in accordance with, but not Coid-19 diagnostics,” the intelligence report said. The intelligence community also noted that it is not clear whether these diseases are associated with the virus that will soon spread around the world.

By December, the Chinese share market grew on the hope of a trade agreement with the United States, but the local economy in Wuhan faced a great threat. Health officials became concerned about the new viral pneumonia that did not respond to standard treatments. Twenty -seven cases were confirmed, seven of which were critical.

Most patients had a recent history of wildlife animals on the Huanan market, where poultry, snakes, bats and other domestic animals were sold. Health officials Wahan claimed that the wet market was where the virus was created. However, at least 13 of the first 41 hospitalizations had nothing to do with the market, according to an article of Chinese researchers published in Lancet.

“It’s a large number, 13, without a relationship,” said Daniel Lucey, a complaint specialist at Georgetown University, science in January 2020. “The virus entered the market before leaving that market.”

New bats coronavirus detected in China, sparkle care of pandemia

Chinese President XI Jinping and President Donald Trump closed themselves in a trade agreement when Covid-19 hit the world. (AP Photo/Andy Wong, file)

All US intelligence agencies are evaluated by both natural and laboratory origin are still likely sources of the origin of the virus. The Energy Department, the FBI and the CIA believe that the incident associated with the laboratory was the most likely cause of the first human infection.

“Laboratory accidents happen everywhere there are people. People are wrong. So it is absolutely reasonable to think that some other lab has had an accident,” Relman said.

At the end of December, the Wuhan Institute of Virology isolated and identified the virus from patients samples. Information available to US intelligence officials indicate that these were the first time the researchers at the Institute had access to the virus sequences.

On New Year’s Eve in the United States, Trump rang in 2020 on his annual MAR-a-Lije Party and was optimistic about his negotiations with China.

“We are very excited about the trade,” the president said. “I’m going, at some point, Beijing, to be with President XI. We have a great relationship. And we’ll do something reciprocal.”

Scientists in Wuhan became even more concerned about the new virus. Dozens of individuals with suspicious cases are isolated at a particular hospital. AND World Health Organization became aware of the media statements of the Wahan Municipal Health Commission. He warned of pneumonia to an unknown cause.

During the first days of 2020, life around the world and in most parts of China seemed normal. However, in Wuhan, the Huanana market was closed, and the officials of the World Health Organization looked at cases more closely.

“There are many cases in China. There are also a number of cases in Hong Kong that have not been recorded,” said older colleague Gatestone Gordon Chang, said Lou Dobbs in January 2020. “What happened in Hong Kong and protest, people don’t want to go out, so this has been quiet in the last week.

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President Donald Trump said his chances of a possible trade agreement with China were once optimistic in 2020. (Campaign Donald Trump 2024)

What was now called Roman Coronavirus of 2019, until then he asked for his first victim Trump enrolled The first phase of his trade agreement with China.

“Currently, our relationship with China is the best he has ever been,” Trump said at the signature ceremony.

Cases outside China have now accumulated. Thailand and Japan confirmed the Sars-COV-2 cases. Shortly thereafter, centers for the control and prevention of the disease began to prescribe passengers on direct and connecting the Wuhan flights.

“The bottom of the line is a very rare virus. The number of people who were infected or exposed is very small,” said Dr. Robert Glattter at Lenox Hill Hospital, said the flight projections.

Days later, health officers confirmed the first case of the USA to Washington State, but insisted that the virus still low risk to the public.

“We are very happy to say that it is in a satisfactory state and that it is very useful at this point, identifying certain people with whom he may have been in touch,” said Government Jay Inlee, D-W, after the case was announced.

Multiple cases began to accumulate in the United States around the world. In Wuhan, 11 million people were set under the lock commands.

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“It has not yet become a global health emergency. That would still become one,” said the general healthcare director of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhan Ghebreyesus, while Wuhan closed his borders.

Customers were racing to collect basic things before the lock was officially held. Roads, train stations and airports were empty. Other locations across China were also closed to the public and the Chinese New Year celebrations were reduced.

Around the world, multiple countries implemented travel limitations from China. Many evacuated citizens from the country before the virus spread further.

In mid-February, 1,013 people died of a virus known today as a covid-19. He officially killed several people from the outbreak of SARS 2002-2003, when 774 people died.

Now the number one is rated for the readiness for the epidemic, Trump told the White House reporters on February 26. “We had a huge success, a huge success outside what people would think. Now you have some outbreaks in some countries. Italy and various countries have difficulty.”

Italy was a new epicenter for the virus. In mid -March, 114 countries reported more than 118,000 cases and more than 4,000 deaths.

“In the days and weeks ahead of us, we expect to see the number of cases, the number of deaths and the number of countries done are climbing even more,” Ghebreyesus said. “We have formed an assessment that Coid-19 can be characterized as pandemic. Pandemic is not a light or careless use.”

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