Who is who in the Vatican? Here’s what to know in the midst of health care Pope Francis

More than two weeks eyes were on the Vatican, waiting for news of Health of Pope Francis. The Pope was at the Gemelli Rome Hospital since February 14, 2025, and was treated for double pneumonia and other complications.
When the pope is ill, leave or yarn, who comes in? And who else helps lead the world sees? He asked the conversation Daniel Speed ThompsonTheologian at the University of Dayton, for some insight into the Vatican.
Who are the most powerful people in the Vatican except the Pope?
The Vatican houses the central government of the Catholic Church, and is also an independent city state. The pope is also the head of the Catholic Church and the head of the state.
To manage both, he Roman Curiawhich means “judgment”. In modern terms, the curiya is papal bureaucracy. It is an extension of the Pope’s authority.
In the Catholic doctrine, the Pope has the highest authority in the church. It can practice it alone or with the Episcopal Faculty, which consists of all bishops in the world. The bishops that the Pope appointed the Cardinal’s Office, if under the age of 80, Vote for the selection of a new pope. Some cardinals, but by no means, serve in the Pope’s Curia in Rome.
In addition to the Pope, curial officials who oversee the important aspects of the political and religious life of the Church are often powerful personality. For example, the Secretariat, on the forehead Cardinal Pietro Paralinsupervise relations with other countries and international organizations. Also oversees the Vatican Diplomatic Corps.
Gregorio Borgia / AP
Dicastery – “Department” – for the doctrine of faith, on the forehead Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernándezresolves questions about the correct Catholic teaching about faith and morality. Episcopal dicaster, headed by Cardinal Robert PrevostIt coordinates the nominations of new bishops around the world.
All these officials work under the Pope’s rule, advocating the implementation and implementation of their agenda. For example, preference suggested that all Catholics were should be on In the selection of the bishop. This idea is associated with Francis’s call for more “Synodal” Church: one that is less hierarchically and shaped by the worry and challenges of the laymen of Catholics.
If the Pope cannot fulfill his duties, who enters?
When the Pope dies – or to resign, Like Benedict XVI done in 2013 – Managing the Catholic Church formally falling on the Cardinals. However, the authority of the faculty is very limited. Cardinals cannot make significant decisions about faith, morality and worship. Nor can they undo the previous papal decisions or change Church Laws on the Choice of New Pope.
All dicaster heads lose their office After the death or resignation of the Pope. The Cardinal College serves as a government government whose main purpose is to prepare for the choice of a new pope and the supervision of the daily work of the Vatican.
One cardinal, Known as “Camerlengo“He is responsible for confirmation of the Pope’s death or resignation. Then he takes control of the Pope’s residence and coordinates the funeral, if necessary. Camerlengo also takes care of the Vatican assets in Rome and oversees details for details for the upcoming conclave.
Paolo Santalucia / AP
The daily job of the Catholic Church continues, but big decisions cannot be made in the absence of the pope. The Church cannot appoint new bishops, and the Vatican cannot start new diplomatic efforts.
Are the Vatican officials often nominated for the Pope?
Sometimes. Francis was a Cardinal from Argentina before the Pope’s election and did not serve in the Roman Curia. However, Benedict XVI,, Francis’s predecessorHas he served as a prefect of the congregation – now called Dicastery – for the doctrine of the faith. Some recent papa served in Curia earlier in their careers, but not just before their choice.
What do you want more people to understand about the Vatican?
Three things. First, the Vatican is unlike any organization in the world. His religious mission and political status rest for almost 2000 years of history. This complicated story provides a unique tradition that anchors of an institution of the Catholic Church, but can also block the church from critical self -examination and renewal.
Second, the Vatican is like any organization in the world. Vatican officials can be faithful to the highest standards of their religion, truly wanting to serve the Church and the common good of humanity. But they can also be rough immoral, Even criminalsand career seekers of status or luxury. Francis consistently called priests and bishops who see themselves somehow superior based on their office or their ordination.
Finally, compared to huge bureaucracy of modern governments and corporations, the Vatican is relatively small and not as rich as it is often shown.
Although Curia manages a huge international organization, its resources are far closer My Catholic University of Middle Size than to the US government or Apple. The Vatican city and the world sees to hire about 2,000 peoplewith operational budget of about $ 835 million.
Yes, the Catholic Church has a wealth – and a constant problem of deficit and financial corruption. But the Vatican resources fade compared to what a modern state or a large company can collect.
This article was originally published on Conversation.