A young liver disease needed an organs provider, she got a lot more after Nascar race

Nicole Munda, who turned 29 in 2001, was never on Nascar’s race at that moment.
Then a friend invited her to make a four -hour ride from her home in Las Vegas to the International Race Trail Phoenix.
At first she didn’t want to, because she shared with the Godwinks team. Then she rationalized that the excitement of the cheering of people and racing cars – at least for one day – to stifle the downfall and the darkness of her recent wonderful diagnosis from his doctor.
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She was told, “If you don’t find Liver donorNicole, you may not go through the 30s. ”
Young in their 20s usually do not require liver transplant. But as the Mayo Clinic confirmed, it was an exception.
Nicole Munda, in the picture here, the doctors said, “If you do not find the liver provider, you may not live the past of the 30s.” (Nicole Munda)
The illness she struggled with was quickly progressing. She had to look for a donor The same rare blood groupand from a person of the same size and from someone who was “emotionally connected”.
In other words, when the time came, a family member in excellent health would be an ideal candidate as a donor.
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On Phoenix Raceway followed Munda her friend in their seats In the midst of turning the engine and energy of the crowd.
Munda’s dark hair wandered on the breeze as her smile – hidden a lot lately – lit her face. Maybe this would be a fun dayshe thought.
She thought, “How could you know anything about my liver disease?”
She broke eight or nine people in the passage, sat next to the young man in a cowboy hat.
Her nice friend on the left did not need time to befriend a good person to the right. “Where are you from?” She yelled above the engine.
“About 750 miles from here. Carlin, Nevada,” he replied.
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“From there, she is,” said a friend from the left, nodding, in Munda.
“Really?” said the stranger.
“I grew up there,” Munda said. “Now I live in Vegas.”
As they formally introduced themselves, new friend Jess Coleman looked at her for a moment.
Munda, shown here sitting on Harley, couldn’t believe the “Godwink” she experienced on the International Race Road Phoenix. (Nicole Munda)
He finally said, “Hey, I know you! I’m driving in a car with your mom.”
“You have to joke!”
After a few comments about how incredible it was, Coleman said something else that almost knocked her out of his place: “How do you feel?”
She was thinking, How could you know anything about my liver disease?
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As she stared at him in astonishment, he shrugged. “It’s a parking lot. I hear your mom talking to you on the phone.”
The two of them became forgotten on the racing cars and cheering fans around them.
For the next few minutes, the two of them became forgotten on racing cars and cheered the fans around them. Amazed “Godwink” that were experiencingThey wondered aloud, forward -This:
“What are the chances of two people …”
“Related third person, my mother …”
“Who’s from here 750 miles …”
“Would you sit side by side at a stadium of 125,000 screams?”
Coleman then had another revelation, as he later shared. He paused, then looked right in the eye. “Hey, I think I have a picture on my shelf!”
The true story of Nicole Munda and Jess Coleman appears in the book “The Godwinks on Love” Squire Rushnell. (Simon & Schuster)
“About what? She said, laughing.
“Have you been on a rafting trip on white water a few years ago?”
She nodded.
“So I am! And I have a photo of the whole group … and I always wondered who that good girl was!”
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The two could not believe – it seemed clear that God often stimulates more Godwinx. At the end of that glorious day, Young couple Trading telephone numbers.
When Coleman returned home, he did not waste time at the invitation of Munda in Vegas. They talked for hours.
At the end of that famous day, the couple traded by telephone numbers.
He soon drove from Carlin every weekend – and in four months their love was in full bloom.
He asked her to marry him, and she said yes. The couple set a meeting three months after that.
While in love was a pretty good cure for the ghosts of Nicole Munda, the liver disease did not take away freedom – she quickly got worse.
Nicole Munda and Jess Coleman on their wedding day. He encouraged her when she was depressed and helped find relatives and other possible liver providers in a family tree. (Nicole Munda)
Coleman became her useful support. He encouraged her when she was depressed and helped find relatives and other possible donors in the family tree. Unfortunately, no appeal failed.
Their wedding plansIn the meantime, they quickly gathered.
Then, just before the big day, doctors brought shocking news.
Tests pointed to the Mund of the liver Maybe it’s cancer. But the only way to be confirmed was surgery.
And if so, they would have to remove the liver.
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In other words, they could not work if she did not wait to provide 60% of his liver.
Coleman begged the doctors to test him. Why couldn’t he be a candidate for a donor?
Initially, doctors finally accepted his explanation. She will finally be her husband – wouldn’t that qualify as “emotionally connected”? Doctors agreed to take the first steps. Test it.
The couple continued their wedding.
The bride and groom on the day of her wedding. Coleman has been found to be the same rare blood group as Munda. He was also physically in the same size as in perfect health. That led to a busy, weekly tests of tests. (Nicole Munda)
Family and friends gathered to celebrate the new journey of the couple, while most also prayed to remove the terrible uncertainty that hangs over his head and that Munda would have a donor.
Instead of the traditional honeymoon, a happy young couple headed to the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix.
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For a few hours they had the beginning of good news.
The groom gave the brides the most beautiful wedding gift ever: the gift of life.
Coleman was the same rare blood type as Munda, the same size physically – and in perfect health. This led to a strenuous and weekly testing of tests.
To everyone’s astonishment, The doctors announced That Jess Coleman He was Perfect match.
Within a few weeks of the groom, the bride gave the most beautiful wedding gift ever: the gift of life.
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While recovering in side beds, the newlyweds had enough time to count all the blessings they gave them not to mention the bush of the amazing Godwinks.
This story was first published in the 2004 Squire Rushnell book “The year” Godwinks on Love “, Copyright © Squire Rushnell, published by permissions. The development of scripting recently ended up for Nicole Mund and Jess Coleman’s extraordinary story. For more information, look for www.godwinks.com. Squire Rushnell and Louise Duart are the co -founders of the Godwinks brand and are based in Massachusetts.