He did not attract the tone of publicity, but expedia.com, Hotels.com and the buyers of Vrbo -I cannot buy their Ikkyy Cash on the willow Properties hosted by most of the property managers.
This is because the willow requires that asset management companies – unlike individual hosts – be traders record and resolving their own payments.
Now Vrbo is trying to solve this problem.
Appearing earlier this week on Alex & Annie Podcast, Tim Rosolio, Vice President of the Partnership for Settlement in Expedia, said that this year the company would present an optional program for property managers that will allow Vrbo to be a recorder for their reservations.
Customers could use their Ishkey Cash on these lists. Not only does it increase the Onekey Program for the Importation is an important way for Vrbo to take over the market share from the hotel and other rivals.
“We know that some real estate managers prices for maintenance of records of record status, and at the same time passengers are increasingly seeking less demolished reservation and payment experience,” Rosolio said Skift on Friday. “In addition, we know that passengers appreciate the possibility of earning and buying prizes during all their stays. In Vrbo, we are building a solution for professional real estate managers that will allow passengers to be noisy experience and access to the full advantages of our loyalty program.”
On the other hand, Airbnb is a recorder for all reservations.
The Expedia Group spokesman refused to describe in detail the number of property management list on the willow compared to the individual host lists. However, 2020. US data from Key data found This revenue from the willow from Vrbo was more than twice the larger than Airbnb.
Expedia Expedia Group Ariane Gorin said during a call in the second trimester last year that 30% of the Expedia and Hotels.com customers used to use Onekey Cash to reserve a willow on the willow in the brand.
The key element of the Loyalty OneKEY program, launched in 2023 and available to the US -UK customers, is to enable customers of expnia.com, hotel.com and willow to make money and burn one of these brands.
Rosolio on the podcast characterized him as a “complication” that the EXPedia group buyers cannot buy their Onekey Cash on the Vrbo -property managers lists.
“Imagine it as on a currency. It’s like Swiss francs or euros, and your cash register doesn’t take one money,” he said.
So Expedia Group builds technology and a program to change that.
Rosolio did not provide many details or a precise repair time.
“We understand that it may not be for everyone. So, we try to understand what is right, the right way to draw a needle.”
Because the recorder of the record may be important for any job. When the property managers are a record trader, they promote their brand and control payments and a user service.
For example, when there is a dispute about residence, real estate managers have the last word of whether guests will get a refund when the traders are records.
As a result, there will probably be a mixed reaction after Expedia launches a new program.
Larger property managers may be reluctant to give up on the recorder if it means that Vrbo gets the final word about such issues.
Many hosts and property managers remember early in pandemia when Airbnb – as a record trader – unilaterally returned payments to guests.
“We have always appreciated VRBO’s more partner approach in the way they develop their new programs,” Amber Carpenter, Marketing Chief of Marketing Director, told Skifta. “The market was missing a strong loyalty program. We look forward to hearing more about it.”
Vrbo and Marriott run fidelity programs in the rental sector.
Brise Carpenter, Vice President of the success of customers in Hostwhich provides the software with short -term lease managers, many of which are small -sized companies, they said there was a subset of property manager to welcome a new program. Many have asked for years for such a thing. (Brise Carpenter and Amber Carpenter are married.)
“I have heard from many property managers over the years who simply do not want a management headache or collection of payment or taxes and are excited about this change,” said Brise Carpenter. “This is because it can be surgery to be difficult to lift and usually run skinny.”
He added that the allowance of VRBO to be a trader for records on the reservations of the property manager would reduce the reservation costs that are canceled and where these property managers do not compensate for credit card processing fees.
Annie Holcombe, one of the hosts Alex & Annie, said she saw the advantages and disadvantages.
On the other hand, this could be a powerful marketing tool for real estate managers to get involved in a large brand loyalty program and would help to avoid returns of fees and fraud.
On the underside, the property managers would have to wait until the willow announces the payment, which could be more unfavorable than the competition when some ownership contracts require payment in advance.
“I see both positive and negative, but ultimately it will be the choice that the manager brings their job,” Holcombe said.