Israeli genocide spreads to the west coast | The busy west coast
With the attention of international media on trapped exchange, the Israeli army and immigrants are forcibly displaced by tens of thousands of Palestinians on the west coast. Meanwhile, Israeli journalists parrot at military points of security operations.
Abdaljawad Omar – Assistant Professor, Birzeit University
Jehad Abusal-Ko-Ukodnik, Light in Gauz: Writings Born of Fire
Orderberg – Academic and Political Commentator
Samira Mohyeddin – founder, on a line medium
On our radar:
This week, the return of family bodies Bibas dominated Israeli media reports. Tariq Nafi reports that their death was used for “Hasbar” after the family accused the government Netanyahu of exploiting their sadness for political purposes.
Kenyan ‘Manasfera’
Inhabited by loud, shocked artists and unp
Audrey Mugeni-Suto, Femicide Count Kenya
Awino Okech – Professor of Feminist and Security Studies, Soas
Onyango Outno – Coach and Mental Health writer