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Beer tea removes harmful toxins from water, studying findings

Tea is known to be one of the healthiest drinks – and the benefits are not just what is in a cup, but also what is not in it.

It has been shown that the tea cooking process removed the toxic heavy metals from drinking water In a new study at Northwestern University at Illinois.

For a typical cup of tea – one cup of water and one bag of tea, grown for three to five minutes – preparation could remove about 15% of drinks from drinking water, researchers said a statement for the public.

The study associates the risk of mental health with this toxin for those born in the 60s or 70s

During beer, heavy metals like lead and cadmium absorb the leaves of tea, which prevents them from entering the water, researchers say.

The findings were published in the ACS Food Science & Technology journal this week.

It turned out that the cooking process was removed by the toxic heavy metals from drinking water in a new research from the Northwestern University in Illinois. (East)

“It seems very likely that most people cook tea can have a measurable influence on lead consumption“Benjamin Shindel, the first author of a northwest study, told Fox News Digital.

The longer the tea is grown, the more reducing the metal content, he noted.

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“Every tea that steeps longer or has a higher surface will effectively repair heavier metals,” Shindel said.

“Some people prepare tea for a few seconds, and they won’t get a lot of rehabilitation. But cooking tea longer or even overnight – like ice tea – they will recover most of the metal or maybe even close to the whole metal in the water.”

The longer the tea is made, the more reducing the metal content, the researchers said. (East)

During the study, researchers tested different types of tea, tea bags and cooking methods to evaluate how well they absorbed lead, chrome, copper, zinc and cadmium.

The absorbing effect was observed in different types of tea, shindel noticed, even from bags of tea obtained from wood.

Cellulose tea bags have been found to absorb much more than cotton bags and nylons, researchers revealed.

For a typical cup of tea, the preparation could remove about 15% of lead from drinking water.

Tea leaves have a “high active surface” that makes them ideal for material absorbing, according to researchers.

“The tea leaves with a greater surface, processing or grinding can see a little more metal remediation,” he added. “Just put the leaves in your water and put them in, and they naturally remove the metals.”

“Lead drinking water pollution is widespread, even in schools and centers for children,” said one expert in Fox News Digital. (East)

The team was surprised by the effects seen after only a short time.

“We were not sure if we would expect a meaningful reduction in metal content in short times when most people cooked their tea,” said Benjamin Shindel, the first author of the Northwestern study, for Fox News Digital.

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“We were surprised that even after just a few minutes we managed to see a small but significant amount of metal rehabilitation during tea preparation.”

Despite these findings, researchers warned that people should not rely on tea to clean their water.

“We were surprised that even after just a few minutes we managed to see a small but significant amount of metal rehabilitation during tea preparation.” (East)

“We are also not a public health researchers, so it remains to be seen whether the levels of the lead we have noticed in our study are translated into the whole population health benefits“Shindel said.

“However, I think it is useful for people to know that they will cook tea on the sidelines, reduce the consumption of lead content – and perhaps other toxins – from drinking water.”

“After only a few minutes, we were able to see a small but significant amount of metal rehabilitation.”

Findings could help explain why populations drinking more tea may have lower frequency rates heart disease And a stroke than a population that has a smaller consumption of tea, Shindel noted.

“Through the population, if people drink an extra cup of tea a day, we might over time a fall in diseases that are closely related to exposure to severe metals,” he said.

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John Rumpler, the leading author for the study and director of the cleaning of the environment of America, noted that Lead is very toxic to children.

“Still lead pollution drinking water It is widespread, even in schools and centers for children, “he told Fox News Digital.

“For a long period of cooking or even overnight – like ice tea – it will recover most of the metal or perhaps even near the whole metal in the water.” (East)

“Although I can’t completely read the tea leaves in this new study, we know that there are filters certified to remove lead from drinking water,” Rumppler continued.

“Schools and centers of child care should replace the old fountains with water stations filtered lead and replace lead pipes wherever they can.”

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The study in the northwest was partially supported by the USA Ministry of Energy -Ai Institute for the Sustainability and Energy of Paul M. Trienens.

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