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The closed leader of the PKK tells the group to lay a weapon, end the conflict with Turkiya | PKK news

In a historic move, Abdullah Fatherly asked his party to “lay a weapon” and dissolve, the statement said.

The closed leader of the Kurdistan Workers ‘Party (PKK) Abdullah Freshman invited his Workers’ Party in Kurdistan (PKK) to lay his hands and dissolve, a move that could end a 40-year conflict with Turkiye and have an influence on the region.

The Turkiye Delegation of the DEM Party of Pro-Kurdi visited Father’s Party on Thursday in his island prison, and later submitted her statement in nearby Istanbul.

“I call for an invitation of weapons and take over the historical responsibility of this call,” said Fatherly in a letter published by DEM party members.

Fatherboy wants his party to hold Congress and formally agree to dissolve, quoting him.

“Consider your congress and make a decision. All groups have to lay their hands and PKK must dissolve,” said the father -in -law, the statement said.

PKK considers the terrorist organization of Turkiya and its Western allies.

More than 40,000 people have been killed since PKK launched its struggle in 1984 with the aim of a cutout of the ethnic homeland for the Kurds. Since then, he has moved away from his separatist goals and instead sought more autonomy in southeast Turkiye and greater Kurdish rights, but groups related to PKK have continued to carry out sporadic attacks in Turkiya.

The appeal of the father-in-law could have consequences on the main oil region in Northern Iraq, where the PKK is based, and to neighboring Syria, which appears after 13 years of civil war and the overthrow in December of Bashar Al-Assad.

Turkiye-Pkk’s peace process collapsed about ten years ago.

Father’s important announcement is part of a new effort for peace between the group and the Turkish state, launched in October by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Devlet Bahceli. A nationalist politician suggested that the father could be approved by a conditional if his group renounces violence and dissolution.

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