
FDA remembers shakes distributes in nursing homes due to the fears of Listeria

The US Food and Medication Administration (FDA) published an urgent warning by stating consumers to reject a certain brand of frozen Milkshakes The concern of Listeria.

Revocation, which includes all Lyons Readycare and Sysco Imperial Frozen Dodples Shakes, FDA posted on Friday. Of the 38 diseases that have been reported so far, 37 people have been hospitalized and 11 died.

Prairie Farms Dairy manufacturer, Inc., has launched a recall and warned the food distributor Lyons Magnus LLC on the epidemic. In the February 21, the FDA said that officials became aware of the epidemic of the list at the end of November, “with many sick people who were staying in long -term care institutions before the onset of the disease.”

“The FDA investigation for monitoring has found that each of the LTCF who provided information on invoicing from 2024 is to present frozen additional shakes or Lyons Readycare or Sysco Imperial Brand,” he explained in a statement. “As part of this investigation, the FDA has collected environmental samples and revealed the outburst strain Lysteria. “

It is reminiscent of the frozen fruit products of the Joe dealer over the ‘foreign material’ concern: ‘Please reject’

The withdrawn shakes are arranged into long -term healthcare facilities. (FDA / East / Fox News)

Citing the CDC, the FDA said the outbreak dates from 2018 and that 20 cases from 2024 and 2025 were recorded. The officials so far have not been able to find the source of the epidemic.

Most diseases included those in long -term care institutions, FDA said.

“Out of 38 people for which information is available, 34 (89%) reported to live in long -term care institutions or were hospitalized before they became ill. Records viewed from the institutions indicated that food shakes were available to the residents,” they said are officials.

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All Lyons Readycare and Sysco Imperial Frozen withdrew additional shakes. (FDA / Fox News)

Milkshakes are divided into the following countries: Alabama, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nevada, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Washington, .

Listeria monocytogenes It can lead to listeriosis, which is particularly deadly for older adults, although pregnant women and people with a weakened immune system are also exposed to risk.

According to the US Ministry of Agriculture (USDA), listeriosis can lead to “fever, muscle pain, headaches, stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and convulsions that sometimes preceded diarrhea or other gastrointestinal symptoms.” Symptoms begin within two weeks of eating contaminated foods, although listeriosis is known to appear 10 weeks after swallowing.

“Persons in the categories with higher risk who have symptoms of a similar flu within two months after eating, should seek medical care and tell the health care provider to eat contaminated food,” the Agency advised.

The outbreak related to Shakes dates from 2018, the FDA states. (FDA / Fox News)

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FDA actively explores the epidemic.

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