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‘DOC Knowledge’ at the spotlight of worthless food as RFK JR. causes the food industry

Washington, DC – Health expert is advocating for a better diet in the United States -ui supports Make American Healthy (MAHA) movement.

Eric Berg, also known as “Doc Knowledge”, is one of the medical experts and advocates of the wellness who gathered behind Mahe, because Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He begins his mandate as a secretary of HHS Trump’s administration.

Berg said that the braw was aligned with the one he was focused on for 35 years-“make people eat the right food through ultra-treated food.”

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The first Berg hopes is resolved Pyramid food, he said.

“It’s like 65% of carbohydrates, and, unfortunately, this is what we use to pamper livestock,” Berg said. “So why do we have it as our food pyramid? That’s terrible.”

“Doc Knowledge” Eric Berg fights for a better diet for Americans. He gathers behind Muh and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. -And, the new secretary for health and human services. (Fox News Digital)

Berg is a licensed chiropractor, as well as a health expert who specializes in a keto diet and occasional post.

“We really want to change food pyramid to have food that is thick with nutrients,” he said. “Maha [means] Re -making America healthy, As we did in 1950, when people didn’t eat what they eat now, “he added.

Main health priorities and wellness RFK JR.

In 2011, USDA launched MyPlate, a chart containing five food groups: fruit, proteins, Milk, vegetables and cereals.

Berg said that, in his opinion, cereals today have no nutritional value.

“It will make a big difference in our Children’s health and the health of the health and teens of adults, because most teenagers, for example, [get] 68% of all their calories [from] Ultra processed food, “Berg said.

Researchers found that Ultra processed food consumption at home increased from 51% in 2003 to 54% in 2018. (East)

The new analysis made by the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins revealed that Ultra processed food makes up more than half of the calories that the US adults have consumed at home

Researchers also found that Ultra processed food consumption at home increased from 51% in 2003 to 54% in 2018.

Berg said that ultra -cultivated food or “worthless food” consists of three ingredients that Americans should remain away from: seeds of oil, sugar and starch.

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Oil seeds that are highly refined vegetable oil for cooking are recently associated with Increased risk of colon canceras Fox News Digital reported.

Said Berg Sugar found In most ultra -treated foods, it has changed today and is not what would be considered “regular sugar”.

He added, “It’s industrial sugar. It’s synthetic sugar.”

Rfk Jr. He has been shown during his oath as the Secretary of Health and Human Services of President Donald Trump. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch is left; Cheryl Hines, actress and wife Kennedy, is shown right. (Andrew Hardik/Getty Images)

Berg said that Americans should look for a starch that could be listed under other conditions on food stickers.

“It would be like modified foods – ‘starch, modified corn, starch, maltodextrin – and starch is basically hidden sugar. That’s all they are,” he added.

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“No nutrition in them. “

After processing worthless food, flavors made of synthetic chemicals are added “color to eat people,” Berg said.

“We have to shine the great light and make people aware that this is not really the right food,” he added.

“We need to shine the great light and make people aware that this is not really the right food,” said a medical expert advocate and wellness Eric Berg. (East)

The usual food colors are synthetic chemicals obtained by oil, according to the Science Center in the Public Interest (CSPI), a non -profit organization that is committed to food safety and nutrition.

“Synthetic colors often replace real, nutritious ingredients, such as fruits and vegetables, and are often used for worthless foods more attractive, especially those that are produced and marketed on the children’s market,” the CSPI website states.

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Dyan Hes, MD a cure for obesity.

“There are so many factors that contribute to bad health of Americans, and food colors are certainly a contributing factor,” Fox News Digital told Fox News.

Wellness advocate Berg said that today’s maha movement has been aligned with the one he has been focused for 35 years-“make people eat real food through ultra-treated food.” (Fox News Digital; East; USDA)

Hes added: “These colors, combined with a coastal diet, create a state of inflammation in the human body. Artificial colors also contribute to hyperactivity in children.”

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The US Food and Medicines Administration (FDA) announced a ban on red, called Red 3 or Eritrozin, due to the potential risk of cancer, Fox News Digital reported.

Food manufacturers must remove color from their products by January 2027, while medication manufacturers will have until January 2028, Associate Press reported.

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