Costco awarded the executives of hundreds of thousands in bonuses associated with Dei

‘Big Money Show’ is investigating companies that turn against Dei politics, while Costco breaks up a trend.
Costco has kicked up hundreds of thousands of bonuses for its executive directors and top execution based on diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) and environmental metrics between the years 2021-2024, revealed a digital analysis of Fox News.
The Gigant on the Great Store paid the Ron Vachris executive director in the amount of $ 93,333 in the 2024 year based on the achievement of social and environmental goals, which included “measuring information on diversity, equality and involvement, consuming resources and other areas related to to the environment ” 2024. Proxy statement. Other executives have been offered $ 24,000 bonuses relating to the achievement of measuring data on diversity, capital and inclusion.
2023. Then-Ceo Craig Jelinek got a $ 100,000 bonus To fulfill the environmental and dei metrics, according to a statement of that year. Other executors were awarded up to $ 24,000 bonuses to hit a dei reference value. Bonuses related to dei were Awarded every year Since 2020. Costco Proxy statements have been discovered.
Washington Aga stands with Costco, explodes Republican lawyers who threatening Dei Crakkdod
Costco has thrown out bonuses based on hitting the Dei metric, revealing his proxy statements. (Tayfun Coskun/Anadolu via Getty Images)
The wholesale giant was firmly related to his dei policies, and Fox News Digital could not determine what certain measuring information they were about were bound. The company did not respond to the commentary request. However, CostC’s website sheds some light About dei company initiatives.
“The role of the General Officer for the Diversity of the Company (CDO) is to support the progress of involvement in Costco, the growth of a diverse base of employees, our relationships in the communities where we work and increase our base of different suppliers,” “according to the website.
Former Costca CEO defends his policies Dei, says critics do not understand the company’s culture
Al Sharpton has prepared a “buy” to support Costco supporting the Dei Metric. (Michael Nigro/Pacific Press/Lightctics via Getty Images/Getty Images)
Costco has managers and employees course in “Inclusive Conversations”, which the website cites as “10 conversation modules to encourage leaders and employees to get involved in including conversations”. The program was launched in 2020, and from 2024. A new content was added to make connections “in different differences, manage assumptions and make people hear themselves” on the website.
The food product chain also cites the demographic of his “Supervisor in Training” program, which designed to help in the professional development of employees. According to his website, 57.3% of 7,000 employees who participated in the training program identified as “color people”.
The waves of the return reaction and support have crashed to the wholesaler since the Committee is overwhelming voted refuse A proposal that challenged his initiative Dei in January. Rev. Al Sharpton gave “buy” at Costco in Harlem, New York, to reward the Dei holding company, but 19 attorney countries they ordered the food to give up controversial policies to align with the Trump’s executive order of the administration.
Former Costco Execa said Dei has always been a company culture. (Callaghan O’Hare / Bloomberg / Getty Images)
Former Costca Roger Campbell CEO pushed himself to the company’s criticssaying that Dei was always part of his culture.
“The term” dei “didn’t even exist, that was the way we were running the job … That’s what we are,” Campbell said.