
As investors can calculate growth year by year (compared to one year

The investor calculates growth year by year.

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Growth from year to year (Yoy) is an indicator of success that investors often use to measure financial progress and compare results from one period to another. Measurement, which considers changes in two comparable time periods, can provide valuable information about trends, risks and capabilities. Investors can then use this data assessment data and Company valueSector or market, thus making informed financial decisions.

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In the heel Growth is a percentage change In certain revenues of metrics, earnings or customers from one year to the next. It helps you evaluate the main metric shares growing over time and identify all trends or patterns. For example, if the company sales increased by 10% in 2025. Compared to 2024, this would mean 10% growth compared to the year.

Yoy is often used to compare growth from a quarter of one year to the same quarter in the previous year. This helps smooth out all the effects due to seasonality and gives a more accurate picture of the company performance.

As an example, the fourth quarter is the most important quarter for a retail company because of the holidays. As such, comparing a company performance in the fourth quarter 2025. With the fourth quarter 2024, it would give a better show about the effect of the company than if you would compare it to the third quarter 2025.

On the other hand, the company could try to show impressive quarterly performance, but it may not show that it improves for a long period of time when it is calculated year by year. Or, the company could claim that its overall effect is growing, when, in reality, individual quarters show different trends.

Calculation of YOY growth, therefore, offers a better understanding of true business performance of the company because it adapts to all seasonality effects.

An investor that assesses the growth of a company year after year.

To calculate the growth of Yoy, you can use this simple formula:

Yoy growth (%) = (the value of the current year – value of the previous year) / value of the previous year x 100

For example, if the company’s revenue was $ 1,000,000 at $ 2024 and $ 1,200,000 at 2025, Yoy growth would be 20%. Would look math:

Growth growth (%) = (1,200,000 – 1,000,000) / 1,000,000 x 100 = 20%

Growth of Yoy can be positive or negative, depending on whether the value of the current year is higher or lower than the value of the previous year. The positive growth of Yoy shows an increase, while the negative growth of Joy shows a decrease.

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