How to catch, location and more

IN FischPhantom Megalodon is among the rarest limited types of fish that can take a while. The difficulty associated with captures is great, which requires huge happiness even with the right transmission. Its rarity increases even more if you manage to capture it by mutation of Blaty, which raises its value by 4.5x. This mutation can be started with a happy bait during a happy event.
This guide gives you all the details of Blaty Phantom Megalodon to increase the odds of catching it.
All you need to know about Blatney Phantom Megalodon in Fisch
Review and location
Since blarney mutation that triggers once you connect fish, you don’t have to go to a specific place for a mutated version Megalodon phantom. Limited by phantom megalodon you can find around Ancient islandAnd like his regular colleagues, it is a rather elusive species of fish.
Phantom megalodon occurs only during eclipse and about the end of the day, which occurs once every seven days. Of course, it makes it difficult to find a difficult kind, let alone catch. You can use a sunny totem to accelerate a daytime night, which can help to some extent. Once the fish is spawning, it remains in a catch pool 15 minutes.
This species has a minimum weight threshold than 50,000 kg and inflict an attribute of reduction -85% for the speed of progress. You have to be prepared with a real bait and a stick to counteract these aspects of megalodon and improve your chances of catching it.
Mutation and rarity
The mutation of Blaty’s exclusive inclusion introduced with a limited time event, Fisch Happy event. There are a 50% chance activation when using a Lucky Mait. If the fish you catch has this mutation, receives a 4.5x multiplier With its sales value, increasing your market value in the game.
This happy event should last until March 22, 2025, after which the mutation will no longer be available. For this reason, there is a strict time limit before which you have to catch the mutated phantom megalodon, so as not to lose yourself forever due to the expiration of events.
With a time limit and how rare the phantom megalodon is in general, Blaty Phantom Megalodon is among the rarest in the game.
Also read: How to get a happy bait in fisch
How to catch
Catching a phantom megalodon requires you to get a stick high weight capacity and happiness. Both of these statistics have a priority because you only have a short window before the fish disappears, which is why you wait all week before it appears again.
The best sticks for that are Brick rodWho,, Essential prism stickWho,, A stick of the exaltedand Heavenly pomegranate. Ideally, the time of day should be night, fall season and timely windy.
For mutation Blaty, the only prerequisite is Lucky Maitafter which capturing the desired fish is just a matter of happiness. Happy bait you can get caught the fish presented in a happy event and giving them McRich clover in Moosewood.
With this combination of equipment and weather conditions, you should be able to capture Blaty Phanto Megalodon in a reasonable number of attempts.
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Frequent questions
Where is Blaty Phantom Megalodon located in Fisch?
Phantom megalodon can be found near ancient islands, and Blatney is a mutation that drives a 50% chance while using Lucky Mait.
What is the best fishing rod for Blaty Phantom Megalodon in Fisch?
The best stick for Blaty Phantom Megalodon in Fisch is the Etherial Prism stick.
When will a happy event end up in Fisch?
A happy event should end on March 2, 2025.