Expedia Buyer says the hotel asked for cancellation due to ‘low’ rates

The Reddit user (not in the picture) sought from the social media users to help after reservation of the hotel via Expedia, the third party website, only to be told to cancel the reservation because the rate was too low. (East)
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No work – a woman traveling abroad says she has booked a hotel room Through expedia.com, just to call her the hotel and ask her to cancel because the rate is too “low”.
‘Significant battle’ -Councing a Revolutionary war The site seeks to illuminate history.
An unusual dish – Fish and wildlife service (FWS) recently shared a list Five invasive animals that people can hunt, catch and cook. Chefs and hunters shared insights.
The bigger the iguan, the more meat on his feet, the Florida Ribar told Fox News Digital. (East)
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Passenger basics – Road trips can be tiring, but you can even sleep well in the car, as long as you are ready. Continue to read …
Calling all crossword puzzles! – Play our Crossword Fox News for free! And not just one thing – look at multiple offers. Look at the puzzles …
Play the Fox News internet crossword – for free! Solve daily puzzles, learn new words and strengthen your mind with fun games. (East)
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