The New York Times Council column addresses “AntiraCism” of getting to know

The reader asked the New York Times Council column “The Ethic” can the “flat white guy” go out with “color women” to “fight racism.”
Anonymous reader explained his “controversial” tendency to get to know the non-white women Kwame Anthony Appiah columnist on Valentine’s Day.
“I want to give priority to dating women in color,” the reader wrote. “I am after the intercultural relationship. I believe very strongly that one of the main ways of fighting racism through relationships. Part of me thinks that I will always be a little disappointed if what eventually becomes one of the most important relationships in my life with another white person.
The New York Times Council column dealt with only white women strategy. (Photo: BSIP/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
He added that his motivation “to fight the implicit bias, growing up in a rather white, quasi rural place” and has since “dedicated to education [himself] about issues of racism, sexism and other forms of kiriarhat, at the same time learning from marginalized people. ”
Kyriarhy is a feminist theoretical term related to the social system that revolves around domination, oppression and submission.
He also compared his tendency to go out with “eating food or accepting a habit because it is good” for him as long as he “cannot like what he is”.
“I and my hypothetical color partner would choose more learning and less comfort, make greater efforts and practice more listening than we would otherwise be in a culturally homogeneous committed relationship,” the reader said. “And one of the main ways that I hope to fight individually is to use my own privileges (economic, family relationships, education) for color people, including any electorate we bring to this world.”
An anonymous reader compared the introduction of women in color forced to eat food that is good for him. (East)
“Here’s my question: despite my well -intentioned anti -opracy principlesIs this tendency (as friends suggested) misconduct, insensitive or somehow racist? “, He asked.
Although Appiah called his commitment “impressive,” he warned the reader of the shortcomings to “treat the relationship as a seminar.”
“Although you do not objectify your hypothetical partner, you have only instrumentalized it,” Appiah replied. “This does not mean that you do not have the right to implement this campaign of a strenuous self-adoptimation. Just be transparent about your ambition ambitions to check the frame. Maybe some prospects will be grateful for your offer to make your privileges available while moving your rise trip.
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Appiah stimulated a compromise and a quiet gathering between Members of democratic and Republican families In the column last November ahead of Thanksgiving.
Appiah warned an anonymous reader of treating the exit as a “seminar”. (East)
“Today, family gatherings routinely united Catholics and Protestants, Jews and Gentiles, Baptists and Bishops, Blacks and Whites and Latinians and Asians; not too long ago, they could unite Democrats and Republicans. In perfect harmony? But far from that. Remember. People more than the sum of their political views – and that intolerance has the habit of growing intolerance, “he wrote.
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