Science and common sense of physical activity – bionicoldguy

I discovered Dr. I-Mom Lee, a professor of medicine at the Harvard School of Medicine, This video On the “Viva longevity” channel. Among other things, she is one of the two major researchers in a well -known women’s health studio and is in good condition to give scientifically established advice on physical activity for health. I found that it is extremely well known and also beautiful!
My favorite anecdote was her discussion about working with one of her mentors, legendary Dr. Ralph Paffenbarger. He was an epidemiologist who pioneering by studying the connection between physical activity and health and also a serious Ultra marathoner. If they were attending conferences together, people would ask him what his recent achievements were in running, and he would quote an impressive time at a recent event. Sometimes they would turn to her and ask “what are you doing for exercise?” And she would have to crimish “nothing” purplely. She grew up in Malaysia, which she describes as very hot and purulent, which did not inspire her to a lot of physical activity.
Because of this, she realized that she would work better in her own life to take her research results more seriously. Because of this, he is a perfect role model to those of us who know that we should be physically active for health, but not necessarily inspired to be athletic. And her scientific knowledge allows her to show us the right amount and the right type of activity to be healthy.
I was glad to hear her confirm that typical guidelines (which contributes to her research) attempts to achieve 150 minutes of moderate physical activity (such as vibrant walking) a week gives about 90% of health benefits. For those who enjoy this, no damage comes from ten times more than this quantity. However, the return of the benefits are increased only slightly after it has done the minimum recommended amount. This can be in dedicated sessions such as 30 minutes several times a week, or in several shorter sessions that accumulate throughout the week. So, working activity in everyday life, for example, using stairs instead of elevator or parking a little further and entering walking, is also calculated. Another fun anecdote she gave was that her ward on Harvard was on the third floor of her building, and Dr. Lee always takes the stairs. But many people on her floor use an elevator instead, and if out of service, they stay in the lobby as if they were not sure what to do.
The important point she covered for those who like to count her steps is that there is really no scientific basis for the famous “10000 steps”. This was created from marketing for a pedestrian company. A female health study has been confirmed that the 7500 steps target is actually more precise (of course, there is nothing wrong with 10000 if you enjoy, but it is not necessary to get health benefits).
This particular video did not cover the training of strength for the older adults, but I am sure there is a lot of insight into it from Dr. Lee’s research. She has edited a lot more information in the book Epidemiological methods in physical activity studies.