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A massive trace of a 100 million -year dinosaur discovered on the beach of England

A massive dinosaur print of Iguanodon, which dates back to 100 million years, has been found on a beach in England, Swws reported.

Paleontologist Joe Thompson, a fossil guide with a Wight Coast fossil guide that has discovered a press, told Fox News Digital that he had discovered on Wight Island as he went to the beach with the intention Finding some fossils.

“Geology is perfect for that,” he said in an interview on the camera. (Watch the video at the top of the article.)

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Thompson walked an hour or two when he came across a large purple item in Glina.

“It turned out to be an absolutely huge Iguanodon print,” he said.

Iguanodon fossils are quite common in the whole world, according to Thompson. Samples were even found in some US countries, including Utah and Colorado.

The blinding aspect of the discovery lies in a huge size of the dinosaur trace, Thompson states. (Swws)

Wight I. Great Britain as a whole Fossil hunting areas are extremely rich, Thompson said.

Some of the most famous dinosaurs from the chalk period include triple triceratops and giant patagotan-but they will not be found on Wight Island, he noted.

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Instead, people are likely to find animals like iguanodon, which left a giant trail that Thompson discovered last week.

“They are just amazing beasts,” he said about Dinosaurs, which could grow as much as 32 to 36 feet. “They walked in huge groups eating vegetation – were herbivores.”

The Iguanodon skeleton is shown at the Museum of Natural History in London. The thompson print comes from this kind, he said. (Mike Kemp/in pictures via Getty Images)

According to Thompson, the blinding aspect of the discovery lies in its size.

“This print was absolutely massive – slightly below meter [roughly 3 feet] Long. So, quite huge Iguanodon, much bigger than almost every other Iguanodon trace found on that part of the coast, “he said.

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“It may be that it could be a kind of iguanodon we don’t know about yet, because it’s much greater than other prints found in a little Older rocks On Wight Island. “

“We will not actually know until we find fossils from the same layers [of rock]. “

As the coastal layers are constantly eroded by the sea, fossils appear, making the island popular tourist attraction.

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Fossili Wight Coast, a company for Thompson runs out trips, runs groups along the coast find pieces of history.

“It is possible that it could be a kind of iguanodon we don’t know about yet.”

Thompson recently launched his own company, Fosili South Coast, who offers people a chance to look for things like Shark’s teeth and fossil shells.

Digging into the cliff is not allowed, but if they see the tour of any fossil that are washed to the beach, they are welcome to take them home, he said.

“It’s always good to report that to the museum If that could be something important, “Thompson added.

Joe Thompson, in the picture here, also found the fossilized jaw of what could be a new species on the Wright Island. (Swws)

If the discovery eventually recognized as the new Iguanodon variety, this would not be the first species that Thompson revealed along the island.

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“I actually found a mammal jaws On the northern coast of the island of Wight, “he said, speaking of bones for 30 million years.

“No one really knows what it might be, but probably from a small carpentry carpentry. So, something eats little rodents and similar things. It’s really exciting.”

(Joe Thompson, Paleontologist, describes how he discovered a trace of a 100 -million -year dinosaur trail on the beach in England. “Massive” printing is an iguanodon species.)

Thompson’s Iguanodon, though impressive, probably disappeared because of the soft clay in which he found him.

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“The soft nature of the rock she preserved in means that she probably won’t last long. So the likelihood is probably no longer visible or available, which is a shame,” he said.

“That is quite special, that it is just a quick view of this incredible mark that can probably never be seen again. So, quite happy to catch it on time.”

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