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The architect of migrants to run immigration in Florida

The man who helped organize the processing of illegal immigrants from Texas to Marth vineyards during the management of Biden was eavesdropped on to run the new Florida Committee for Immigration.

Larry Keefe, a longtime lawyer who had previously served as Government of Florida Ron Desantis “Public Security of the Emperor” of 2021, will have $ 250 million at their discretion to help strengthen state efforts to perform immigration.

Keefe was at the heart of helping private performers of Vertol Systems Company earning a $ 1.5 million contract for a dozen mostly Venezuelan migrants from San Antoni to Ritzy Massachusetts Island 2022. At that time, the illegal crossings along the southern border were increased under the leadership of the former President Joe Biden, with more than 2 million during FY 2022.

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Larry Keefe, Inset, was the center of organizing flight from San Antoni to Martha’s vineyard in the midst of a huge appearance of illegal migrants in the US under President Joe Biden. (Ministry of Justice USA)

The new committee that will be led by Keefa was created during a recent legislative session, which was called by Desantis last month to improve efforts in the implementation of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy.

The group held an emergency meeting on Monday, during which Chief lawyer James Uthmeier appointed Keefe as the new Committee’s executive director just hours after the governor appointed him.

“I’ve had a pleasure to work together for a few years [Keefe] When he was a state public security emperor. In this position, Larry worked with law enforcement throughout the country to lead the efforts of prohibition. He also helped us in executive actions to collect data and better understand the real damage and taxes that the state faces as a result of the influx illegal immigrants, “ Said Uthmeier at a meeting on Monday. “He also helped organize some of the relocation flights that some of you may have heard, including one to Martha’s vineyard.”

Illegal immigrants arrive at Martha’s Vineyard Airport on Wednesday, September 14, 2022. (Video provided Fox News Digital)

During the meeting on Monday, Desantis said that Keefe’s work on migrant flights, especially the one for Martha’s vineyard, “changed the dynamics of the whole discussion” from immigration, is simply a problem for border states, questioning for all countries.

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“They thought it was okay for tens of thousands to overcome these border cities, but the moment you appeared 50 Martha’s vineyardThey had huge cramps about it. They called the National Guard, they worked extraordinary state, “Desantis said.” And then you started seeing trips to New York City and California and Chicago, and I think it helped to transfer this issue to Crescendo and resulted in the 2024 elections. “

Immigrants gather with their belongings outside the bishop’s church of St. (Ray Ewing/Vineyard Gazette via AP)

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Fox News Digital addressed the Desan’s office and was sent to his comments during a meeting on Monday and on social networks. Desantis said Keefe was a “great public clerk” and “he would do a fantastic job” that runs state immigration implementation.

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