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Sudan’s RSF, charged with genocide, signs the charter to form a rival government | Sudanese war news

The signatories said they would establish a government of ‘Peace and Unity’ despite the concerns of human rights and international community groups.

Sudanese paramilitary forces for rapid support (RSF), accused of performing crimes against humanity While fighting an army of land in a 20-month-old war, he signed a charter with the Allied political and armed groups to establish “a government of peace and unity,” his signatories said.

The signature ceremony was held behind the closed door in the capital of Kenya, Nairobi, but it was not immediately clear whether the document was signed late on Saturday or Sunday.

The announcement comes while the Suda armed forces (SAF) are progressing against the RSF capital and elsewhere, and no government is expected to receive a broad recognition.

The RSF is also charged with conducting ethnic cleansing and even genocide from international human rights and countries that include the United States.

The charter, however, is a sign that Sudan’s cleft is cemented, because the RSF focuses on the western region of Darfura because it loses the earth elsewhere.

According to the text of the charter, the signatories agreed that Sudan should be a “secular, democratic, non -centered state” with one national army, although it preserved the right to armed groups to continue existence. The war between the army and the RSF – former allies – began after a dispute about the time of the integration of the RSF army.

The charter under the guidance of the RSF said that the Government does not exist to divide the country, but to combine it and end the war, the tasks that the army accused the army of the harmonized government active from Port Sudan that it failed.

Among the signatories of the charter is Abdelaziz al-Hil, a powerful rebel leader from the Sudan Liberation Movement-North (SPLM-N), which controls the huge parts of the territory and torso in the southern state of Cordofan, and who has long sought to hug secularism.

Abdel Rahim Dagalo, Deputy and Brother of the RSF Commander Mohamed Hamdan ‘Hemedti’ Dagalo – Who was absent absent – also signed.

Al-Hadi Idris, a former official and head of the armed group, said that the government would be formed from the country in the coming days from the country.

Government will not accept the movement of the rebels

The government aligned with the army said she would not recognize the parallel created by the rebel groups.

“We will not accept any other country that acknowledges the so -called parallel government,” the Foreign Minister of Foreign Minister said on Sunday, but Youssef.

In the meantime, the united people spokesman Antonio Guterres warned that the move could “increase the land fragmentation and risk it to make this crisis aggravate.”

Charter signature comes as Sudanese army On Sunday, he claimed that she had regained control of El-Gitain’s city after destroying the RSF unit and opened her way to the city of El-Obeid, the statement said.

The RSF seized most of Darfur and parts of the Cordophane region at the war, but the Sudanese army pushed him from Central Sudan.

The conflict devastated the country, creating an “unprecedented” humanitarian crisis and launching half the population in famine, with hunger in multiple areas.

He also killed more than 20,000 people and took more than 14 million people from his homes, the UN states. It is estimated that 3.2 million Sudans escaped to neighboring countries.

Rsf -ov Hemedti was Struck the sanctions by the USA -a earlier this year.

He had previously shared power with the army and civilian politicians as part of the agreement after the release of President Omar al-Bashir in 2019.

Two forces ranked civilian politicians in the 2021 state strike before the war broke out between them.

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