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Hosted by HBO John Oliver compares Trump’s America with a sinking Titanic

HBO Liberal host John Oliver complained to the state of America to the “Late Show”, but insisted that he would “go down with the Titanic” and not escape to the UK

Hosted by HBO’s political comments and shows about comedy “Last week tonight“Said CBS in Stephen Colbert on Monday night that he recently became a US citizen -a that he would stay in America, although he suggested that it was a flooded ship under Trump’s administration.

“Oh, no, I stretch it. I’m going with a Titanic,” Oliver Colbert said.

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HBO host John Oliver compares America under President Trump with an unhappy Titanic. (Screen Snap/CBS)

Two comedians reminded themselves of Oliver’s previous performances on the show, including his last, which was the night before the day of the 2024 election. Both mentioned the horror they felt predicted Trump’s victory.

“Cards on the table, by the way,” Colbert said, “I don’t remember anything we talked about because I don’t think I listened to a word you said.”

Olver came in, stating, “Yes, you definitely had a persecuted expression, as if you saw a spirit that would visit us in twenty -four hours.”

“It’s a Suboptimal time in human history, this,” the British commentator added, referring to the fact that President Trump was in the White House.

Colbert postponed Oliver’s new citizenship of USA -asked him if he was staying in the country with respect to the new leadership. Oliver said he was and added more to his analogy of America under Trump as a titanic.

Referring the story of a band that played on an unhappy ship until the point of his death, he said, “I know that there may be no life rafts at disposal, but I am driving myself. Gentlemen, it was an honor to play with you tonight.”

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Oliver joked that he thought it was in America under Trump as if he were one of the members of the titanic band that played until the death of the ship. (Trump-vane transition team)

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The two talked about the first four weeks of the other Trump administration, which Colbert described as: “Exactly what you thought, but worse than you could have imagined.”

Oliver agreed and then pointed out how absurd he believed that TV presenter Dr. Phil was presence On an ice attack He was at the end of last month.

“Dr. Phil makes as much sense as in the psychiatric office,” he said, mocking the TV host, who was once a licensed psychologist.

Somewhere else during their interview, Oliver mentioned that watching people protesting Trump, such as demonstrating his so -called Muslim ban In 2017, it gives him hope.

He quoted an unnamed lawyer of the Ministry of Justice, who at the time opposed the ban, stating: “He said that people were being taken up by those airports – see that protests were really useful in the sense that they were energized and also felt that they were behaving on were the will of the people. “

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“He said,” Activism outside our building has helped in activism within it, “and I think it’s really important to remember,” Oliver said, adding, “You can send a message. You don’t have to wait just to vote.

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