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Ancient necropolis that archaeologists have discovered in Trento in Italy

Archaeologists have recently discovered an ancient “city of dead” in Italy, dating for almost 3000 years.

AND Italian province Trentino said in the news edition that the “monumental necropolis” from Iron It was found in the city of Trento. Dating from the 9th century BC and was used through the 6th century BC

Trento sits on the Adige River in northern Italy, near the Italian Alps. The necropolis is developed at a time when “a wide bed of the Fersin creek [basin] Crossed with a network of lush channels that have been interwoven, separated by temporary sandy or gravel strips, “the edition described, translated from Italian into English.

“The funeral context was probably between two channels that could be activated in the event of a flood,” the translated statement explained. “The episodes of the floods, which began during the necropolis use stages, sealed ancient archeological stratification, allowing the exceptional preservation of the funeral context.”

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Recently, the excavators found a necropolis from the Iron Age full of well -preserved bones and artifacts. (Autonomous Trento Press Office Province)

Different floods defined the soil that allowed the necropolis to survive for centuries. Officials say the place is “perfectly preserved” thanks to the floods.

“This circumstance has enabled the documen of the use of the use of necropolis and accurately reconstruct the funeral practices of the community that occupied this area during the early Iron Age,” the statement said.

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The necropolis dates from the 9th century BC and was used through the 6th century BC (Autonomous Trento Press Office Province)

Researchers say that the main characteristic of the necropolis of its more funeral steel, which were stone slabs used in the ancient world as monuments. The stile was placed vertically as markers and “organized in sub-paralel rows with the main orientation north-south,” the statement said.

“Each stele denotes the western border of the main grave, which is a stone suitcase covered with tumulum [mound] The structure, which has developed over time, a thick concentration of satellite tombs, “a statement for the public described.

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Archaeologists say excavation asks questions about the pre -war residents of Trent. (Autonomous Trento Press Office Province)

Archaeologists also found a lot of artifacts including metal artifacts like weapons and decorative items. The decorative objects even had the insertion of amber and glass pastes, which “testifies to the existence of influence and close cultural relations with Italian environments,” officials claim.

The excavators also found “creamy soil” and calcinated bones, which were “inside the containers made of perchable materials” that were once a wooden suitcase.

“It is assumed that burned remains, often placed above personal grave goods, were wrapped in fabric, of which the fibers were preserved in some cases, closed with the help of a needle or fibula [brooches]”The statement was read.” In some tombs, the form of accumulation suggests the presence of square wooden suitcases. “

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Different floods set off the soil that allowed the survival of the necropolis. (Autonomous Trento Press Office Province)

“Funeral goods have been discovered especially rich and served as indicators for defining the identity, role and function of the social group to which they belonged.”

Officials have said that the discovery “will allow us to copy the history of the city,” and that they are already facing historical issues that the discovery set up.

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“[This] It triggers complex and complex problems regarding the methods of self -determination in the funeral context of the social group, which at this point the context of the settlement remains unknown. “

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