“Never respond to any of the criticism”

Kick Streamer and Political Commentator Steven “Destiny” answered the recent statement by colleague Streamer Zack “Asmongold”. For the context, a member of the OTK (one true king) has marked some of the recent Destiny’s to be “unstrained” and “more aggressive” in recent weeks. He pointed out that this change occurred from US presidential elections.
It is worth noting that fate in the past is the vocal critic of Elon Musk. Recently Musk had a brief back with Asmongold on x. Some spectators pointed out that fate was upset because the Rev. Member was no longer more assertive against the male. In response, he said:
“” Destiny is really awake of you don’t cook Elon. “I like fate, but I feel like it’s a little extreme after the choice. The way I feel about it.”
Streamer Kick also answered the comments. He shot back to Asmongold, mentioning that a member of the OTK -A never addressed any “criticism”. Wrote:
“Always the same strategy – opponents refer to as unfettered/crazy/td, never respond to any of the criticism, move to the next thing.”
Destony also spoke of the situation between Elon Musk and Asmongold during one of his streams lately. He called Asmongold, accusing him of tearing down the answer against a billionaire. He said:
“If this Twitter was still controlled by Jack Dorsey and Jack lied about professional Diabloou, Path of Exile Ladder Hero, and Asmongold criticized him and then he was untested (eliminating a certified brand), I think AMON would have seven videos on it … “
(Time mark: 01:50)
What did Kick Streamer Destiny say about Elon Musk?
Although Asmongold did not specifically identify what he needed to find “Unchidhed” from fate, a short shift through his time tape X suggests that he had previously criticized figures like Elon Musk.
For example, after Musk shot at Asmongold Through charges of seemingly lying about her exile 2 gaming account, Destiny replied by stating:
“@elonmusk was never good at any game, not an earthquake, not anything else you heard about or not. He’s lying about everything because his constant should all love.”
Destiny also called Elona Musk after leaked a private exchange of DM with Asmongold during the drama of exile 2. He wrote:
“That’s it, this is the most modern thing I’ve ever seen from @elonmusk, and that says a lot.”
For those curious about the drama between Elon Musk and Asmongold, the latter was among the many creators who called for a technology billionaire for allegedly lying about their Poe2 account. According to Asmongold, the bill either belonged to someone else or played by another person on behalf of the male, because the skills shown were not aligned with the advancement of the account.
Edited by Aatreyee Aich