Essential outdoor gear that all winter sports enthusiasts need
Durable winter gear helps you get outside even when the temperature drops. (iStock)
When the snow starts to fall, it’s time to bundle up and head outside for your favorite winter sports. Whether you’re skiing down powdery slopes, skating on a frozen lake, or hiking through tranquil wilderness, the right gear is essential to staying warm and safe.
Mountaineers, skiers, snowboarders, snowshoes and skaters need the right equipment and winter clothing to perform. Whatever your sport of choice, this list has outdoor gear tailored to your winter pursuits.
A good pair of ski boots attaches to your skis and keeps your feet safe and warm while you’re out on the slopes. Sun & Ski Sports has a pair of K2 men’s ski boots which are robust but comfortable. You can find a pair of women’s ski boots on Amazon which are equally durable with a comfortable lining that makes them easy to wear for hours.
Protect your eyes from snow and sun while skiing by purchasing ski goggles. Amazon has affordable ski goggles in different color combinations. The glasses do not fog and offer UV protection. Sun & Ski has professional ski goggles designed with a new frame design that allows unparalleled peripheral visibility.
If you are an Amazon Prime member, you can get this item, as well as many others on this list, shipped to your door ASAP. you can join or start a 30-day free trial to start shopping today.
Winter skiing is an exciting but cold activity that requires a padded ski jacket to keep you comfortable. get a men’s padded ski jacket from amazon which is waterproof and lined with cozy fleece so you will never be cold. Eddie Bauer currently has ski jackets on sale which are also waterproof and have a removable backing.
Original price: $429.95
There are snowboards for all different levels of snowboarding, whether you are a beginner or a senior. Amazon has a beginner-friendly board, the K2 Snowboard. It is designed for all types of mountains and is lightweight for beginner users.
The House, a popular sports brand, has women’s snowboard in bright colors which comes with bindings. Burton snowboards are aimed at more advanced snowboarders looking to upgrade to a beginner’s board. Burton Process Flying V snowboard is the ideal all-terrain board used by proboarder Mark McMorris.
The right pair of skis makes a big difference when you’re on the slopes. You can get a sleek, stylish pair of professional skis when you get them Oblivion 79 Freestyle skis from Head. It will appeal to beginners looking for a pair of skis that are easy to use Rossignol EVO XT 60 skis from LL Bean.
Original price: $43.99
Besides skis and snowboards, the most important piece of equipment you need for safety is a helmet. There are specially designed helmets for skiers and snowboarders that are designed to protect your head and neck when you inevitably fall while descending the mountain.
Beginners looking for a simple helmet can find what they are looking for on Amazon with OutdoorMaster helmet. It is affordable, comfortable and comes in a wide variety of colors. Sun & Ski Sports also has a helmet designed for women skiers and snowboarders. It is well padded and has a fleece lining to keep you warm.
Advanced skiers will love it helmet colors and design options can be found at Smith. It’s lightweight and has a Mips Brain Protection System that reduces impact damage if you fall.
When you’re snowshoeing, you need a good pair of boots to keep your feet warm. Merrell produces extremely durable boots that can withstand snow, ice and rain. Couple Merrell Men’s Moab 3 Thermo Extreme Waterproof Boots are tall boots that are intensively insulated, so you can wear them even in the coldest weather conditions and still have healthy feet.
Merrell also has Women’s Siren 4 Thermo Mid-Zip Waterproof Boots which will keep your feet dry. They also have stellar traction and are lightweight, perfect for walking in the snow.
Snowshoes make winter hiking easier, ensuring you’re not constantly sinking into snow. LL Bean has a combination of snowshoes and hiking poles which comes with a sturdy carrying bag, so you can easily travel anywhere with your snowshoes.
G2 snowshoes from Amazon comes with a pair of hiking poles and a carrying bag. They are easy to put on, light and made of durable, long-lasting materials.
Original price: $49.99
Gaiters slide over boots and trouser bottoms to prevent feet and legs from getting wet while walking in the snow. Pike Trail Gaiters from Amazon snap on and come in a variety of colors and camouflage patterns. LL Bean also has durable boots. They are smaller than average ankle boots, so they are ideal for women or those with smaller feet.
Skaters trying ice hockey for the first time or anyone who wants a good deal on skates will appreciate it 5th Element Skates from Amazon. They are affordable, well padded and have stainless steel blades designed to last. For more competitive ice skating, Hockey Monkey skates they are ergonomically designed for maximum comfort.
The STX Hockey Stick from Amazon is a popular brand made from durable materials so you can control the puck with ease. AND Warrior Covert QR5 20 Hockey Sticks it has a classic sticky soft grip that makes holding the rod easy and comfortable.
You must wear protective equipment when playing ice hockey. The whole point of the sport is to defend the puck, which means you shoot a lot. Hockey Monkey has a protective equipment packageincluding shoulder pads, shin guards and elbow pads. You can also assemble your own equipment Pure hockey.
A helmet is also necessary for safety in hockey. You can find options with and without metal masks, depending on the level you play. Hockey Monkey has a CCM Tacks 720 helmet without a face mask. It’s still designed for safety with multi-density foam lined inside. Scheels sells the Bauer RE-AKT 55 with a built-in face mask, ideal for professionals and frequent players.
Original price: $16.99
A regular hockey jersey, like this one from Amazonfits easily over the base and is great for exercise or everyday wear. You can also play sports NFL jersey of your favorite team. That way, you can show your team pride while you’re alone on the ice.
Original price: $100
When hiking in the winter, you need boots that can withstand wet, icy conditions on the trails. Amazon has Columbia hiking boots which are waterproof and comfortable enough for less snowy days. There are also light ones Merrell hiking boots made of waterproof suede leather with added insulation for winter wear.
Protect your head and face well while on the slopes with a winter hat. grab a bright orange Carhartt hat and stay safe, or go with faux fur puffer hat from LL Bean.
Down jackets are extremely lightweight, but often have insulation that makes them an ideal top layer when spending time outside in the winter. The North Face Puffer Jacket at Amazon is waterproof and promises to keep you warm even when you’re out in the rain or snow.
Columbia Arctic Crest Down Jacket it’s also designed to keep you warm. Omni-Heat Arctic captures the sun’s heat to keep you warm. Omni-Shield also repels moisture, so you stay dry.
Original price: $34.99
No matter where you’re walking this winter, a pair of cleats can help keep you from slipping on icy snow or black ice. They just hook your boots and add cleats to the bottom that can be easily driven into the ice. You can get a pair of Amazon or Walmart.
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Original price: $19.99
While walking, keep your hands toasty with a suitable pair of gloves. Take a couple stretchy thermal gloves with a touch finger so you can still easily use your hands. For extra warm gloves, these Heat Holders Men’s Worxx Performance gloves are perfect. They are highly visible and have a touch screen.